Kelly was sat on the sofa thinking of how to celebrate hers and Ray's anniversary as today they have been together for 5 years. She was at home while her husband was at work, he worked in a local bank to the community he lived in, time was ticking and Kelly didn't know what to do, she was also very ill this day and didn't know what to do. Later that day she was still slouched on the sofa and she laid her head on the arm of the chair for a rest, a little vibration had then later woken her up. The vibration was coming from the gap in the sofa, she reached her arm down and pulled up the little phone she had found, she wasn't too sure whose it could be so she a**umed it was a spare of her daughters which she had forgotten about. She got up and tied her long brown hair into a bun high on her head and looked in the mirror and said to her ‘I wonder why Ray's still with me', she made a sigh and walked towards the kitchen She had to open the blue safety gate to pa** through the dog and reach for the cleaning products; she grabbed the bleach and febreeze and began to clean the downstairs. This took her a while and it had just reached afternoon she started to rush around picking laundry up and washing it, after she placed the last pile of washing in the dryer to dry she stomped up the stairs towards her bedroom and began to tidy around the room. She got a fresh silk bedding out as she began to lay it out on the bed to take off the old one she sniffed into it and it smelt strongly of Ray. She sat on the bed for a second and stared into the thin air, she then began to re start cleaning again, and she had finally finished the downstairs, kitchen and bedroom. She now had in mind how she wanted to celebrate their day so she reached into the closet for a hair towel and body towel, she climbed into the shower and dragged her leg over the bath to climb in, at this point Kelly was really tired and had not much energy however she had finished her shower and climbed back out after drying herself and hair
She then started to put her make up on but she had more laying out of the bedroom and dining room table so she decided to wrap herself into her dressing gown and set the table up for two, she put the fresh meat into the oven on a slow cook so it would be cooked for when Ray got home. She then slowly walked up the stairs and in her left hand she had rose petals and candles in the right, when she got into the bedroom she started to layout the petals on the bed and closed the curtains the room was now calm and dark, she wanted to add a hint of light into the bedroom so she placed the scented candles around the room and lit them. The candles scents started to whiff around the room. She walked out of the room into the wardrobe room and placed on a tight fitted dress, she looked towards Rays close and was thinking to get him out a outfit for the dinner, but then she remembered how he rather prefers to get his own clothes, so she just flipped through his shirts and jeans, she got to the last few jeans to look through and could hear rustling of paper.. She then ragged open the shirt draw and at the back was a lump of crumpled paper, she took them all out gently as they looked like they would tear, she touched them delicately as she was eager to read them. She opened the first envelope and before her own eyes her heart had torn into millions of little pieces, she felt like she had just been stabbed in the guts! In her hand she had a letter of divorce and in the other she had a letter of moving homes, she didn't know what to think her first thoughts was he's cheating, then she thought back to earlier how she had found the mobile in the sofa and then she had realised it can't be her daughters as her daughters had called her earlier that same day on her own number. She ran downstairs and flew her arms along the table and ragged the cloth off so all the china on the cloth had smashed furiously on the floor! Her heart had broken…