Are you coming to Scarborough Fair?
Hearts beseech, Rosemary and Tom(?)
Remember me to walk and not stand
And she's be a true love of mine
Turn to make me a ?
Hearts beseech, Rosemary and Tom(?)
Without no seems, no legal work
And she's be a true love of mine
Tainted, find me a ?
Hearts beseech, Rosemary and Tom(?)
Would swing so fond of us
And she's be a true love of mine
Tainted, weeping and sick of the leather
Hearts beseech, Rosemary and Tom(?)
And gather it all in bunch of feathers
And she's be a true love of mine
Are you going to scar the world fame(?)
Hearts beseech, Rosemary and Tom(?)
Remember me to walk the world stand
She was once a true love of mine