Luke skywalker maybe only a teenager but that doesn't stop him from saving an entire galaxy . A great evil is forming and can bring destruction to the hole galaxy unless a here save stops it. Luke skywalker fits the momomyth hero because he follows and does every step . He meets a wise older person who becomes his mentor< goes through his cruises almost facing d**h confronts his worst enemy , and receives an award for defeating the enemies . Luke fulfills the monomyth hero in this story . If you was wondering is only humans can portray the monomyth hero the answer is no. In the “ Dawn of the planet of the aps “ Ceaser is forced to become the monomyth hero and to save human and aps. Ceaser fullfils the monomyth hero in the story because he goes through the steps. Ceaser is faced to face with his worst enemy , almost facing d**h , and facing his worst enemy in an epic battle. He sacved the life of aps and humans and in the end he receives the award to see his family together again .
These two heroes can be compared to each other ,not in appearance but in actions . Luke saves his people as does Ceaser in the movie the both of them put their lives on the line for others . Luke and Ceaser both face mere d**h , and over come their crises by taking on the enemy in an epic battle . Both of them gain victory and receive an award for there actions. Luke and Ceaser both fulfills the monomyth hero in each of there stories