[Clutch.] Life's a tragedy You're trapped inside the fabrics of society Imagine what your life would be if you could get inspired, see? Cause you can turn a stone or drop the ball But you can never have it all, that's a man's greatest fallacy [Gambit] But I'ma work until my hands are callousing To make my parents proud of me and land 'em in a palace, see? Meditating every day 'till I'm levitating up out of me And flying through the astral tryna travel the galaxy [Clutch.] Every day's another step, my improvement will come gradually And while patience is a virtue, I'm virtually in agony Prisoners to physical limitations, since we're living basic And giving faith to the statements we spend our lives establishing [Gambit] Trapped inside of a collective reality Where respect and status are less a reflection of how you be as a person And more a measure of level of worth through your salary [Clutch.] f** your version of how to prosper When nothing's proper, it's all subjective, each perspective can teach a lesson Whether you keep the peace or believe in complete aggression We all looking for release, but I digress and Couldn't care less about a first impression I was born on Mother Earth crying [Gambit] But Gaia knows that now's a gift, that's why it's called the present And after all I guess we all pursue the future Unaware the truth to suit ya's that the moment's what we call a blessing So why you all been stressing? Reality has an elaborate-a** playing field Made to trick you into believing that the game that you're playing's real Sure you can say you feel pain but maybe the pain you feel Is merely a data stream, and we're gears on a rotating wheel [Clutch.] Or maybe every moment holds atonement through our thoughts unspoken Since our souls are really the only ones we hear Although exposed to the unknown can so develop fear It is when we're alone that we exert our least embellished cheer So suppose that God has given shamanism to the proper living So that I can sin and wave a lot of linen Bleached from my heart within it Surrendering as the embers from my spark diminish So when my life is gone, will my soul go with it?
Cause your sight of right and wrong changes every day you growing older than it [Gambit] So just know your limit When fighting along and hope you're winning Yo the only victor didn't fight at all I suppose you could solely fix on the past, hoping to go relive it Never knowing if you were alive at all [Clutch.] And if I make it to the gates then I'd still be so complacent You seeing me praying NOT to survive the fall [Gambit] They say that Hell is hot, I maintain the place is freezing There remains a space for hellishness inside us all It may be through the way we dismay our relationship To the place that we live and basically take our anger out on ourselves Or it's a metaphor for those that are dead at war That, or there's an actual, literal, physical, honest Hell [Clutch.] Well, that's a thought that I find unruly But just because you think it doesn't make it true And some days the sun rays graze through the clouds As if something is being pointed out [Gambit] Point it out [Clutch.] In some ways I'm ashamed of lost gains Like ocean see the rain in a drain floating down So when it's all said and done I'll have more to say But they'll just store away every story saved I bet they think that we're running out But running just gets in shape Helps adjust the pace to explore the place that's not the Now [Gambit] And we act as if the Present's a slim, ephemeral Sliver of a second when in fact it's perpetual Never ending Your conception of the past and the future Is absolutely imaginary, yeah it's better to let it go But remember you don't got to rearrange your endorphins To know there's only a single moment that's changing and morphing Eternally And you've always been part of it Said there'll never be an end as there was never a start to it We all exist, even if only introspectively So it doesn't matter if we actually exist objectively [Clutch.] Respectively all the effects you see are just Evanescence reflecting selectively Entering and exiting until you discern with your mission clear On a quest for love but ain't nobody gonna kiss you dear