Mom, do we have to go? (Fred) I don't want to! You know how I hate the, the... Evil, evil, evil dentist Evil, evil, d-d-d-dentist I-I've been dreading this Dentist appointment (no) I start to sweat when the nurse she calls my name (Fred) She looks at my teeth I get anxiety Esprcially when I see the frown that's on her face I said I brush my teeth At least once a week The dentist walks in the room and says "Hello, Fred" He looks in my mouth He's gettin grossed out ("ahh") I should've listened when my mom said Don't forget to brush, oh Or it'll be too late Don't forget to brush, oh Or you're gonna have to feel the pain From the evil dentist Evil, evil, evil dentist Evil, evil, d-d-d-dentist Got 15 cavities The dentist smiles at me He says he'll need a bigger drill He's gotta go deep What's with the hypodermics? He says it doesn't hurt but
I think that he's not being totally honest with me Here comes the Novocaine I gotta look away Suddenly I'm feelin kinda light in the head Then he puts on my mask Here comes the laughing gas (ha ha ha ha) I shoulda listened when my mom said Don't forget to brush, oh Or it'll be too late Don't forget to brush, oh Or you're gonna have to feel the pain From the evil dentist Evil, evil, evil dentist Evil, evil, d-d-d-dentist It's over now... and I was brave But now my tongue is numb... so is my brain! Hey... Hey mom... I... I can't feel my tongue I... I... I can't feel my Hey... this feels funny... Hey... he pulled out my two front teeth by mistake! Don't forget to brush, oh Or it'll be too late Don't forget to brush, oh Or you're gonna have to feel the pain From the evil dentist Evil, evil, evil dentist Evil, evil, d-d-d-dentist