Ave Maria! Now your ageless bell So sweetly sounds for listening ears From heights of Heaven to brink of Hell In tender notes have echoed through the years Aloft from earth's far boundaries Each poor petition, every prayer The hopes of foolish ones and wise Must mount in thanks or grim despair Ave Maria! Ave Maria! You were not spared one pang of flesh, or mortal tear; So rough the paths your feet have shared So great the bitter burden of your fear
Your heart has bled with every beat In dust you laid your weary head The hopeless vigil of defeat was yours And flinty stone for bread Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Heaven's Bride The bells ring out in solemn praise For you, the anguish and the pride The living glory of our nights Of our nights and days The Prince of Peace your arms embrace While hosts of darkness fade and cower Oh save us, mother full of grace In life and in our dying hour Ave Maria!