Well after all, Pickering, I'm an ordinary man Who desires nothing more than an ordinary chance To live exactly as he likes, and do precisely what he wants... An average man am I, of no eccentric whim Who likes to live his life Free of strife Doing whatever he thinks is best, for him Well... just an ordinary man... BUT, Let a woman in your life And your serenity is through She'll redecorate your home, from the cellar to the dome And then go on to the enthralling fun of overhauling you... Let a woman in your life And you're up against a wall Make a plan and you will find, that she has something else in mind And so rather than do either you do something else That neither likes at all You want to talk of Keats and Milton She only wants to talk of love You go to see a play or ballet, and spend it searching For her glove Let a woman in your life And you invite eternal strife Let them buy their wedding bands For those anxious little hands... I'd be equally as willing for a dentist to be drilling Than to ever let a woman in my life I'm a very gentle man Even tempered and good natured Who you never hear complain Who has the milk of human kindness By the quart in every vein A patient man am I, down to my fingertips The sort who never could, ever would Let an insulting remark escape his lips
Very gentle man... But, Let a woman in your life And patience hasn't got a chance She will beg you for advice, your reply will be concise And she will listen very nicely, and then go out And do exactly what she wants!!! You are a man of grace and polish Who never spoke above a hush All at once you're using language That would make a sailor blush Let a woman in your life And you're plunging in a knife Let the others of my s**, tie the knot around their necks I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition Than to ever let a woman in my life I'm a quiet living man Who prefers to spend the evening in the silence of his room Who likes an atmosphere as restful as An undiscovered tomb A pensive man am I, of philosophical joys Who likes to meditate, contemplate Free from humanity's mad inhuman noise Just a quiet living man... But, let a woman in your life And your sabbatical is through In a line that never ends comes an army of her friends Come to jabber and to chatter And to tell her what the matter is with YOU! She'll have a booming boisterous family Who will descend on you en ma** She'll have a large wagnerian mother With a voice that shatters gla** Let a woman in your life Let a woman in your life Let a woman in your life I shall never let a woman in my life