Whatever in this world it takes for me to make you mine I will do And truly I must say never goes by a day that I don't Think of you Thoughts of love and the two of us fills my mind We both know Cupid has his arrow pointed straight to Our hearts Over and again I tell myself that I don't need no one Else to love me but you. Making you realize just how I Feel and proving to you that it's real is what I'm Gonna do Thoughts of me doing everything that you please fills
My mind This is so, Cupid has his arrow pointed straight to our Hearts Playin' hard to get is your game Am I gonna trade my heart for pain? Only time will tell If you choose to go your separate way If you decide with me you'll stay Determines if Cupid succeeds or fails Thoughts of love and the two of us fill my mind We both know Cupid has his arrow pointed straight to Our hearts