All of the sudden; I'm feeling famous It's like I got a million people handing me opinions Thinking that I give the the slightest f** about their feelings Cause they seem to know my name; but dawg I couldn't care less about ya, so listen: I'm not you; I'm cut from a different cloth My views differ from these blind kids acting tough Like no; you get no love for wearing tight jeans, a tight shirt and f**ing snap backs so f** off Yes I have an attitude, but rather have that then be like you Talking behind backs like a b**h; Guess who? Cause if it fits, then all of ya can wear the f**ing shoe I don't owe the world no answers, so yeah; f** you You got a problem; come and find me Don't be telling my friends or girlfriend sh** about me When honestly you've never met me or been around me If all you'll do is gossip when I'm there; change the topic I'm not pissed, just warning you frat kids Slash grown a** men A.K.A. work buddies Talking 'bout my last Facebook status with Higher-ups Like that's gonna help ya achieve higher ups If you ran as much as your mouth does; you wouldn't be as fat Just saying Just saying Just saying Now Back to Hip-Hop, I'm waiting on Che to drop this hit dawg
Pulling Bobby to the side like: "I'm about to diss ya" When really you just want attention cause you miss us; It's been a year, and your a** is still pissed off? How stupid are you to ask Bobby and Dre- To rap for you again? What are you, f**ing insane? You really think they'll stand beside you after one train? Oh wait; let's not talk about one train You feel the need to tell your story; go ahead But let me guess; I am the dick, I am the prick- And you are the sorry little victim that never did sh** Now everybody feels bad for poor little Che What else is new? I'm like the s**iest manager Cause we don't release sh** every week like amateurs Like "f** Bobby, Dre, Devante and George- They don't know what it's like to make dope, club songs" Funny how they compliment you first, but when they see you are first- Is the second they hate from verses to even shirts But when it comes to Che, sh**, to me it's all a corpse So let it die dawg; it can always get worse I'm just saying dawg You shouldn't have pushed me But, its whatever To Whom It May Concern Zonum Records