All Frances Anne Kemble Songs

Songs In album
A Farewell -
A German Legend -
A Lament For The Wissahiccon -
A Lover To His Mistress -
A Noonday Vision -
A Petition -
A Picture -
A Promise. -
A Rejected Lover To His Mistress (I) -
A Rejected Lover To His Mistress (II) -
A Retrospect -
A Room In The Villa Taverna -
A Spirit's Voice -
A Summons -
A Vision Of The Vatican -
A Wish (I) -
A Wish (II) -
A Wish (III) -
Absence -
An Answer -
An Apology -
An Entreaty -
An Evening Song -
An Invitation -
An Invocation -
Are they indeed the bitterest tears we shed -
Arrival In Rome -
Art thou already weary of the way? -
Autumn -
Autumn Song -
Away, away! bear me away, away, -
Ballad -
Beside a well-reap'd field at Eventide -
Blaspheme not thou thy sacred life, nor turn -
But to be still! oh, but to cease awhile -
Close Of Our Summer At Frascati -
Departing -
Dream-Land (I) -
Dream-Land (II) -
Eastern Sunset -
Evening -
Evening By The Seaside -
Expectation -
Expostulation -
Farewell To Italy -
Flying Leaves -
Forsaken -
Fragment -
Genius And Love -
Hadrian's Villa -
Have you not heard that in some deep-seal'd graves, -
I cannot sleep for thinking of thy face, -
I hear a voice low in the sunset woods -
I heard youth's silver clarion call to Fate, -
I know a maiden with a laughing face -
I know that thou wilt read what here is writ, -
I would I knew the lady of thy heart! -
If in thy heart the spring of joy remains, -
If there were any power in human love -
Impromptu -
Impromptu (I) -
Impromptu (II) -
Impromptu (III) -
Impromptu (IV) -
Impromptu (V) -
Impromptu (VI) -
Is it a sin, to wish that I may meet thee -
Lady, whom my belovèd loves so well! -
Lament For Israel -
Life -
Like one who walketh in a plenteous land, -
Lines -
Lines For Music -
Lines For Music (I) -
Lines For Music (II) -
Lines For Music (III) -
Lines On A Sleeping Child -
Lines On The Anio At Tivoli -
Lines To ---. -
Lines To Mrs. St. Leger -
Lines Written At Belvoir Castle, 1883 -
Lines Written At Night -
Lines Written At Sea (I) -
Lines Written At Venice In 1865 -
Lines Written By The Sea -
Lines Written By The Seaside (I) -
Lines Written By The Seaside (II) -
Lines Written In London -
Lines Written On Leaving Belvoir Castle In 1842 -
Morning By The Seaside -
My Love -
Nay, let the Past be past, nor strive in vain -
Noonday By The Seaside -
Ode -
Oft let me wander hand in hand with Thought, -
On A Forget-Me-Not -
On A Hollow Friendship -
On A Music Box -
On A Symphony Of Beethoven -
On Being Blessed By A Child -
Parting -
Past Hours -
Return -
Saturday Night Song At Sea -
Say thou not sadly, never and no more -
Scraps. -
Sicilian Song -
Sleepless Nights -
Song. -
Sonnet On An Edelweiss -
Sonnet On The American War. -
Sonnet To Harriet St. Leger -
Sonnet To Mrs. Jameson, -
Sonnet Written Among The Ruins Of The Castle At Heidelberg -
Sonnet. -
Sonnet. Though thou return unto the former things, -
The Autumn Cyclamen -
The Black Wallflower -
The d**h-Song -
The Fall Of Richmond -
The Fellowship Of Genius -
The Ideal -
The Landgraff -
The Minstrel's Grave -
The Prayer Of A Lonely Heart -
The Red Indian -
The Siren's Cave At Tivoli -
The Vision Of Life -
The Wind -
The Woods -
The Wreck Of The Birkenhead, -
The Year's Progress -
Thou poisonous laurel leaf, that in the soil -
To- -