"So many autumns I cried myself to sleep Search within for hope Still yearning to believe" "Divide begins inside When faced reality The world that never was Exists within my dreams" Desires once, we trust. Believed in Universe, how we have come "salvation's lost" Risen, above these glacial skies Seek the wisdom we meant to achieve Within control, our fate is lead from choice And held our hearts "between us all" To stand together, more somehow
Yet never seek a place, a paradise Oh, within our own Closing these eyes don't fear believer Not bound by past No limits to confine you Discover he's not finding reason To heaven reached his arms The path you stride, with stars shall guide Our hero, what name do we give you? Do we write these songs and tell these tells "tell these tales" "I gather not pride, for what I have become" "Nor have I forgotten. My life must done"