I've got a secret no one should know That reveals itself every time I get a blow As if out of nowhere – straight to the face JizzBolt Knocked to the ground, blinded by the light Fury of the Gods, blistering and bright The salty pent-up rage bears down upon As tears, blood and semen now merge as one It's a guilty pleasure of mine
I'll end them one who*e at a time As if out of nowhere – straight to the face JizzBolt Knocked to the ground, blinded by the light Fury of the Gods, blistering and bright The salty pent-up rage bears down upon As Tears, blood and semen now merge as one JIZZ JIZZ BOLTJIZZ JIZZ BOLT JIZZ JIZZ BOLTJIZZ JIZZ JIZZ BOLT YEAH