[Verse] I can't decide if this is science fiction Or economic fact, but It's about as welcome, as an infection Of the urinary tract So let your mind and wallet fester 'cause when you get down to it I think you'll have found, it's just Another tune in a different cash register [Chorus] (He's custom built) I'm custom built I'm c-c-c-c, custom built for capitalism (He's custom built) You've seen the film now see the shorts [Verse] The sound of a thousand barking dogs is music Music to my ears I can sell the bourgeoisie a mushy pea And this song is one, constructively This is no beggars opera, this is no Three-penny tune I can't decide if it's artistic creation Or just a non-going cash flow situation [Chorus] (He's custom built) I'm c-c-c-c-custom built Custom built for capitalism (He's custom built) Feel the quality, feel the length [Verse] I wasn't the one to slip Fidel Castro The exploding cigar Why use a pen? You've got a typewriter The sten gun's mightier than the guitar Turn up the fat adjust the thermostat Of the central heating Feed us some more of that deep fried tripe I'll bring it up at the next meeting [Chorus] (He's custom built) I'm c-c-c-c-custom built Custom built for capitalism (He's custom built) You've seen the scenario, now buy the album
[Bridge] [Spoken] From its present level, the market is just as likely to rise as to fall. To be more precise, the weighted probabilities of movements in either direction are the same. In other words, there could be a large chance of a small further recovery or a small chance of a large further drop, or vice versa (He's custom built) [x2] I'm custom built for capitalism [Verse] Buy now, while stocks last No time wasters please Must be dedicated, energetic, young, vibrant Image essential, please send photo No headbangers No experience necessary Sounds experimental maybe Sounds unbearable definitely [Chorus] (He's custom built) I'm c-c-c-c-custom Custom built for capitalism (He's custom built) This song is c-c-c-c [Verse] Three zeros ain't a lot to ask for But what a difference they can make The nought-ical [sic] ideology Is what I desire for goodness sake Collect these little dough-nuts Deposit into Swiss bank It's always science fiction, or else It's corporation backed, woo! [Outro] (He's custom built) [repeats to end] Change to Self Immolation, we deliver the goods You've heard the single now buy the album You've seen the scenario now buy the album You've felt the quality, now feel the length You've seen the film now see the shorts