I've got this feeling that I can't contain Being with you Is like winning the publisher's clearing house sweepstakes Like a snow day and I get to sleep as late As I want to you know You turn me into goo You radiate Warm fuzzy feelings If everyone knew someone like you there wouldn't be any war You glitter sparkle twinkle shimmer like a shining star Now I don't want to say anything mean Or hurt anybody's little heart again
Next time I'll hold my breath and count to ten I wanna radiate Warm fuzzy feelings You radiate Warm fuzzy feelings I radiate to you You radiate to me Yeah we'll start a revolution Spread a warm fuzzy disease You make me feel so good I wanna wear dayglo I'm feeling unicorns and rainbows Warm fuzzy feelings Warm fuzzy feelings I've got a warm fuzzy feeling reeling deep down in my soul