At the dawn of a new day Is a proof that the night fades away But things that are done in he dark Could never breathe when the light spark I've seen too many men fall prey She plots and schemes in the same way Break a man like a pot of clay And do it all again on the next day She's so hot she makes the sun sweat Her motives are so suspect Her aims is on subjects Who came in for the love fest She's pretty looking like a prom dress No victims are left unchecked Got action like its on set And make man hard like tar gets He ain't never met wisdom It's weird to say she's his sister And insight is his best friend But it's eerie he ain't never meet her His easy given into cheap speech That's what she uses to seduce him Once persuaded by the smooth talk You can see it's hard to chuck deuces His trapped in once he steps in The ox is lead to the slaughter She caress him and she preps him And lays him on her alter
The simple minded do you see him? The simple minded yup that's me The simple minded do you see him? He ain't seeing the blows that's coming at him The simple minded stray into her paths She's slain down many strong men It's a quick bleep, sin k**s fast Ain't a "if" or "but" man it's about when You're descending down to the camp of d**h Her house sure is the way to hell Next things you getting undress, like what's next It's success You suppress The law, yes You're obsessed Must confess The lawless Don't want less So unless We profess What's sure We fall Fetching What's finna leave us upset Nothing new, but it's all true, I ain't leaving nothing left unsaid (Pause) Either way, I'm talking more or less my beloved hear and you will do well I had to learn it all the hard way it's my story so I do tell Hoping it helps a brother or sister man I don't even care who else