---------- Dying slowly, feeling ill I can't explain the way i feel Poeple die, and so will i It could be slow, it could be quick Quit slow, and it seems such a waste God will give you just one taste Only one sip of his wine Only one life, cats get nine Feeling bored, that's no fun Being out of touch with everyone Click my fingers, crack my toes Kick the dog, and break it's nose I intelectualize it all To prove my mind's still on the ball
I go spy at the neighbours next door Listen to them through the wall They do the same they did last night At first they argue, and then they fight And then they screw, just to please me It's just about more fun than TV But people die, i will soon And then i won't write any more tunes And i won't stand here and talk to you And wonder what the f*ck to do Tonight Tonight Tonight... [repeat everything, with slight modifications