Our eternal Life Creator The owner of Life, The Eternal Register Office K.A.Q.O., The Crown Register General Office Black Supremacy The Church Triumphant, The Crown Law of Education & Sacred Theocracy K.A.Q.O.S.W.J.W., The Monarch Documents (Protect all), Human Descriptions K.O.K.... The Black man is The Master of this World., Theocracy, The Dictionary, Law Courts & Money Mints & Governments p. 3 K.A.Q.O.... The world's first Triumphant Capital, The isle of Spring, The Triumphant Bible Land, King Alpha and Queen Omega Black Folks ......
His & Her Copyright of Creation, p. 4 The Lion & His Lioness & Baby, His & Her Arch Dynasty of Holy Time, His Tri-Divinity & Her Tri-Virginity, His & Her Arch Monarchy, His & Her Majesty Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Petersburgh K.O.K., A.D. 1926, Mt. Africa, The Throne, Ethiopian Bible Owner A.B.C.