BLACK SUPREMACY'S PATTEN OFFICER His and Her Arch Monarch Sovereign of Holy Time, King Alpha and Queen Omega. His and Her Black Supremacy, Queen Lula May Fitz Balintine Pettersburgh, Arch Bishop and Supreme Judge (Virginity and Divinity of Holy Time". Owner of COMMUNICATIONS and all Creations OLD AND NEW. CREATOR of HOLY GENEALOGY, Owner of THEOCRACY LEXICOGRAPHY AND MONEY MINT. Creator of Furious Dynasties and Kingdoms, OPPERATORS and RUNNER. The Crown Head of Most Holy Time and Keeper of the Tree of Life and Perfect Majestic Matrimonial Sovereignty.
Mediator of Celestial and Terrestrial PERFECT CORDIAL. REGISTRATION LAW BLACK SUPREMACY, KING ALPHA & QUEEN OMEGA. All Governments and "PROFESSIONS" must be REGISTERED in The Royal OFFICE of Black Supremacy. Starting from the World's Capital throughout, Lady Creation. All Professionals Pattern of Pure Nature, can be moved for 21 years before a New Registration is REQUIRED. HIS AND HER MONARCH BLACK SUPREMACY, Lady Pettersburgh, K.A.Q.O., KING OF KINGS.