Scene 16: Tower Of Zott Scene 17: Cain Snaps Out Of It Scene 18: Eblana Scene 19: Edge's Vengeance (Tower Of Zott) CAIN: Where's the Crystal of Earth? CECIL: Cain! CID: Where are you hiding! CAIN: Don't get so uptight... Lord Golbeza wants to thank you personally. TELLAH: Golbeza! GOLBEZA: Well, well, well... you've got the crystal... TELLAH: Show yourself! GOLBEZA: You'll find me soon enough. YANG: Where are you?! GOLBEZA: I'm on the top floor of this tower with Rosa... As thanks for saving me an invasion, I'll exchange her for the Crystal of Earth. CECIL: Golbeza, you ba*tard! GOLBEZA: Of course... being the bad guy that I am, I can't guarantee that your precious Rosa will live... Better get up here! Welcome to the Tower of Zott! MAGUS SISTERS: 'Pleased to make your acquaintance!' 'We are the minions of the mistress of this tower, Barbariccia, the Empress of Wind!' 'I am Dog of the three Magus sisters!' 'I am Mag, of the same!' 'I am Rag!' 'We're sorry, but this is as far as you go.' 'We will take the Crystal from you.' 'We will stop you from reaching Rosa with our Delta Attack!' [Battle with the Magus Sisters. The party wins, of course, though it's not an easy fight.] 'It can't be!' 'You withstood our Delta Attack...' 'Sister! No...' (Cain Snaps Out Of It) GOLBEZA: Well done, gentlemen. TELLAH: Golbeza! CECIL: Where is Rosa! GOLBEZA: The crystal comes first. CECIL: Rosa had better be safe! GOLBEZA: Do you think I'd harm my bargaining chip? Now, give me the crystal. You gave the Crystal of Earth to Golbeza! CECIL: Return Rosa! GOLBEZA: Rosa? Who's Rosa...? Cain... do you know any Rosa...? CECIL: What!? CID: You liar! TELLAH: How dirty can you get! d**h is too good for you! GOLBEZA: I have no business with you, old fool. TELLAH: But I have some with you! For Anna!!! [Battle happens.] GOLBEZA: You...old... ba*tard...You...used... Meteo... Argh! CECIL: Tellah! GOLBEZA: However... I have the crystal! Let's draw back for now, Cain! GOLBEZA: Cain...? ... ... So my spell was broken with that Meteo! Oh well, you were a sorry excuse for a minion anyway. CAIN: ... CECIL: You're not going anywhere, Golbeza! GOLBEZA: On the contrary, I am! CECIL: Ugh... Why...why don't you finish me off... GOLBEZA: You're...? CECIL: ? GOLBEZA: What the hell are you...? Why...? Aagh! My head! CECIL: ...? GOLBEZA: Th...this fight is not over yet! YANG: Sir Cecil! CID: Are you all right!? CECIL: Y..yeah... But Tellah! TELLAH: I couldn't k** him... CID: Don't talk! TELLAH: I lost myself in hatred...I've paid the... ultimate price... (Pause). Please, Cecil... avenge my daughter... CECIL: Tellah! YANG: ! TELLAH: ... CECIL: Cain!! Cain! CECIL:: ! (Pause). Where's Rosa!? ROSA: Cecil! CECIL: Rosa... ROSA: I knew you would come for me... CECIL: Without you I realized... I... ROSA: Cecil... CAIN: ... CID: Oh yeah! Gettin' it on! ROSA: Cain!? CECIL: He's regained his mind... CAIN: Forgive me Rosa... My words and deeds were being controlled. But not my thoughts. I knew I... I wanted to be near you... ROSA: Cain... CAIN: ... CECIL: ... ROSA: Let's fight together, Cain... CAIN: What have I done?! All those things I said! All those things I did! Please forgive me! Rosa! Cecil! CECIL: ... CID: Hey, guys... Could we continue this discussion later, say... somewhere SAFER?! [voice] 'So, you must be pleased with yourselves. You've rescued the girl, saved the... Dragon Knight... Still you lost the old man and Lord Golbeza left with merely a scratch. 'And then there's me...' CAIN: It's one of Golbeza's Four Emperors! Barbariccia of Wind! [Barbariccia shows herself, skimpily clad as always.] BARBARICCIA: Cain, you betrayed! After what we gave you? Why? We're both creatures of the sky! CAIN: Barbariccia, I did not betray anything, except my honor. BARBARICCIA: To think I prevented Lord Golbeza from k**ing you, because of a weak human emotion... (Pause). The old mage with Meteo is dead. I'll send all of you to your d**hs! CAIN: You're not the only one who can fight in the air... BARBARICCIA: ...Cain... It...wasn't supposed to end this way... (Pause) The last of the Four Emperors still lives, but you'll never meet him! Die along with this tower! CECIL: The...the tower is falling apart! CAIN: Damnit! CID: Hyaa! GOLBEZA: Look who decided to show up. I really must thank you for the other day. How could you possibly know that I love having meteors dropped on my head? But now that old ba*tard is dead... Before I unmercifully and painfully slaughter you, wouldn't you like to know why I'm gathering the crystals? It is said that when all eight Crystals of the Earth, both the Light and the Darkness, are gathered, the way to the Moon will open... CECIL: Way to the moon? GOLBEZA: Unimaginable power awaits there... To think I could become a deity! But, of course, you stand in my way. (Eblana) [The Castle Eblana is deserted, as Cecil and company discover. They head into the nearby cave in the mountains surrounding the Tower of Babel. To their mild surprise, they find the people of Eblana now living in the caves...] Who's there! [Pause]. Oh, you're human! This is where all the survivors are hiding. This is the road to Rubicante's headquarters, the Tower of Babel. We've lost our castle... This is our home now. We are the people of Eblana! Our Young Master went to check things out, but he's been gone too long...Hope he's not doing anything rash... There's not much food left. I wonder how long we can hold out..? Young Master, show us your ultimate Ninjutsu! We'll hold out here until the Young Master returns! Our Young Master went ahead alone! When the Young Master gets angry, he becomes very powerful... Stop our Young Master... Our Young Master went after Rubicante! You're all right, Master! It's too dangerous to go any further right now! The Young Master will k** the enemy for sure! When the Young Master was away, the King and Queen were captured... I'm going to protect my mom! She's got my little brother or sister inside of her! Eblana is a nation of powerful ninja warriors... But we were defeated so easily... Is this the end of the Ninjas of Eblana...? I am the chief minister of Eblana. Our Master is foul-mouthed and temperamental, but honorable... He's digging a pa**age to the Tower of Babel to avenge the King and Queen. But I'm worried about him. He's probably gone too far again... Hang on, dear! Where did monsters like that come from? Oh, son... The Young Master said he was going to k** the bad guys! We can return to the castle soon, right...? Right...? I'll take care of things here! Please be careful! If you die too, then Eblana will... [... and thus they learn that the Prince of Eblana is attempting to rescue his parents, who were kidnapped. The group continues through the cave, until they come upon a young man fighting none other than Rubicante, the Fiend of Fire.] MAN: I finally found you, Rubicante! I've been waiting for this day for a long time! RUBICANTE: Hmm...have I met you before?
MAN: I'm the Prince of Eblana! The Master Ninja Edge! RUBICANTE: Eblana? Where is that? EDGE: Don't you dare insult me like that, you ba*tard! [Edge uses the Ninja magic Flame on Rubicant. Rubicant says something in the battle script, which I don't have because it's in the battle script]. EDGE:**...I...lost... RUBICANTE: You have confidence in yourself, too much, in fact... You are indeed powerful for a human, but you cannot hope to defeat me. But still...Maybe you'll be able to challenge me again someday. I look forward to our next encounter. [Rubicant teleports out of the cave.] EDGE: Wait...! Don'! [Cecil and company approach the injured Prince.] CECIL: Are you all right!? EDGE: I lost... AAARRRRRGggg...hhh...ouch... RYDIA: Rubicante stands between us and the Crystals. Maybe we could help each other. EDGE: Don't get in the way! This is personal! CECIL: You went up against Rubicante alone... CAIN: And look what happened! So what the hell makes you think you can beat him?! Your temper, maybe? EDGE: I'm not just some hot-headed prince, damnit! The Royal Family of Eblana has sk**s you can only DREAM about! RYDIA: Shut up! Just shut up, all of you! [Cecil, Cain, and Rosa turn to Rydia in surprise.] RYDIA: We lost Tellah, Yang, even Cid! Why? We're no closer than we were! And now...we're just fighting amongst ourselves! Do their lives mean nothing to us? Are we willing to forget what they fought and died for just so we can argue whose fight this is? EDGE: He...hey now... [Cecil and Cain turn back to Edge.] CECIL:...Rubicante is the most powerful of the Four Emperors. We don't know whether or not we stand a chance. But we've got to try. EDGE: ...Okay, okay... Besides, I can't stand seeing a pretty girl cry. I guess I'll have to let you come with me... CAIN: Jeez, this guy never quits! Hey, Rosa. ROSA: Cure 2! EDGE: Thanks!...Hot DAMN! Two gorgeous women in the same party! Maybe working together isn't such a bad thing after all! [Edge gets up, standing straight and tall as if he hadn't just been smashed by Rubicante, which is probably a pretty good approximation following the Cure 2 spell]. EDGE: Awright! Let's all go and break into their base! RYDIA: That's the spirit! The Ninja Edge joined the party! [The now-fivesome proceeds forward toward the Tower of Babel.] (Edge's Vengeance) [Unfortunately, when they reach the Tower, they find that the tunnel leads along the side of the Tower, rather than directly into it.] CECIL: How are we going to get in? EDGE: Leave that to me! This is my patented 'pa**-through-walls' technique! [Edge steps backward.] EDGE: HIYAAA! [He then dashes forward, barrelling right through the wall. The group proceeds downward several floors.] KING EBLANA: Edge... EDGE: Mom! Dad! [Edge rushes forward to join his parents.] QUEEN EBLANA: I'm so glad you're here! EDGE: Thank God you're safe! Oh, mom... I was so worried... QUEEN EBLANA: Edge... come... KING EBLANA: Yes, come with us... EDGE: Where? QUEEN: To Hell! CECIL: Look out! [Edge's parents attack the party. I don't have the script for this part.] EDGE: GRAAAAAAAAAH! ROSA: Oh my God... [Now Rubicante teleports in.] RUBICANTE: That ba*tard Lugeie! I...don't know what to say... I can't believe it... experimenting on the King and Queen! [Edge advances towards Rubicante.] EDGE: Rubicante! You...! Why?! You son of a b**h! You'll pay! Oh God, you'll PAY FOR THIS!!! RUBICANTE: Lugeie turned the King and Queen into monsters on his own. I deeply apologize for that. Believe me, I would never do such a thing. I'm different from the others. I want to fight fairly on equal ground. EDGE: Don't give me that crap! d**h's too good for you! RUBICANTE: I like brave people like you. ...But as long as humans become tangled up in emotions they will never attain true power... You are doomed to be forever weak. EDGE: 'Human' it? I'll show you that 'human' thing... ...called anger!!! Anger brought out Edge's hidden powers! Edge learned Suiton and Raijin! RUBICANTE: anger gives humans strength... But not even ice can penetrate my cloak of flames! [Rubicante does not attack. When the party chooses to fight him...] RUBICANTE: All right, I'll heal you! Fight me at full strength! [Battle with Rubicante. Party emerges victorious.] RUBICANTE: Oh...I see... Individually, humans are weak, but together... powerful! Now I see how you defeated Lord Golbeza... I salute you, brave warriors! Farewell... [Rubicante disappears.] EDGE: ... Dad... Mom... I avenged you! [A voice is heard from behind.] Young Master! EDGE: Chamberlain! CHAMBERLAIN: For Elbana! (Pause). ??? Wait a minute! Where's Rubicante?! EDGE: He's dead. CHAMBERLAIN: Truly?! Young Master! How your parents must be pleased! EDGE:...I hope they are... Rest in peace... I couldn't have done it without these people. CHAMBERLAIN: You all? Oh, Young Master... EDGE: Rubicante mentioned a Golbeza... Who is he? CAIN: The one that controlled Rubicante... He's the one gathering the Crystals, trying to open a way to the moon. EDGE: To the moon? What for? CECIL: There's supposed to be something on the moon, with unimaginable power. RYDIA: We've got to stop Golbeza from getting it! EDGE: Rubicante a lowly pawn? So this is all because of Golbeza... My parents... because of him... CHAMBERLAIN: Young Master, you have a duty to your subjects! EDGE: [Turning to Chamberlain.] The entire world's in danger! Plus, I figure Elbana's people would like revenge on Golbeza... Hey, since we're chasing that ba*tard... I just might be able to give him the warm greetings of pissed-off Ninjas... CHAMBERLAIN: Brash as ever... Well, don't do something stupid, like getting yourself k**ed. EDGE: I get it already! When have I ever let anyone down? CHAMBERLAIN: Do you really want me to answer that? (Pause). Everyone, please take care of Young Master! Keep him under control, please? EVERYONE: Young Master! Good luck! EDGE: Don't worry 'bout it! [The Eblanans head back to their cave.] EDGE: Awright! Let's go kick some a**! RYDIA: Hey, karate kid! Before we do any 'a**-kicking', shouldn't we get back those crystals? EDGE: Don't call me that, Rydia! (Pause). let's go! [The five head to the room ahead of them, containing a number of crystals. But before they reach it...] CECIL: A pit!? [They fall into the trap.] EDGE: Ow! CAIN: Looks like we fell all the way to the underground...great. Another setback. [They proceed along, until...] CAIN: ... CECIL: The enemy's new model airship? EDGE: None too soon finding it! Let's get the hell out of here! RYDIA: But it's the enemy's airship! EDGE: So what? I don't see anything that says 'Enemy Airship,' do you? [They step onto its deck.] ROSA: Could this be a trap? EDGE: Don't worry! I can smell traps a mile away... (Pause). Y'know, I kinda like this airship. Hey, does Falcon sound good to you? RYDIA: What the hell does it matter? CECIL: Let's hurry and get out of here! EDGE: Falcon it is! We have lift-off, Houston!