Moms' in the kitchen giving her power way to a bottle of wine Dad's in the office giving his power away selling his time I didn't learn sh** about life I learned to give my power away I learned how to escape I learned to be a slave Mom's in the kitchen teaching me about obedience and battery Dad's in the TV room screaming something about authority I didn't learn sh** about life I learned how to get high I learned how to check out and I learned how to die
LSD my friend, c**aine and speed my friend, beer and weed my friend, amphetamines Coffee and cigarettes and never ending need, Jack Daniels and needles and little cotton balls full of speed My friends pick me up and take me away from my middle cla** hell I call home My friends pick me up and take me away from my middle cla** hell I call alone Thanks for the ride, it's time to say goodbye I wanted a way out but I didn't want to die