dod eat dog world is this where your heart lies i'm supposed to take it with a grain of salt forget the cause image is where it's at be all you can be if it suits your purpose buying your acceptance from the kids that pay for it enticing them with ear candy scratch my back i'll scratch yours telling them what they want to hear do you want to stand out then step down be a servant building yourself up will only get you knocked down contentment with yourself will show a life of plenty
Christ becomes a trend rather then a thirst talk the talk but can't walk the walk it's all a spit and polish veneer adoration of one feeds contentment for the other don't be preoccupied with getting so you can respond to God's giving this is not what He intended using Him as a cover and taking up the latest fad it's all a religious fashion show make a statement but beware of what could be the next trends come and go but Christ always remains the same