I joined all the others who lined the path Some clutched stones, others held their breath I was the wife of a Roman who had sentenced you I just came to observe I was not planning to Enter the procession as it pa**ed me by But I felt bound to raise my veil to wipe the sweat from your eyes And when I pulled it back I knew the rumors were true Burned into that sheet was the image of you I think I can believe now In the sin I've done And that you can absolve me And everyone – Will be rewarded for Their faith and belief
In the sharing of your word From the cloth you lay beneath I came to the emperor to show the sacred cloak To heal and convince him you weren't a joke Your face will never leave him now that he has seen the mark That lifted shroud has cured him; shedding light where there was dark But I only wish you'd shown me with no sacrifice If only I could have believed you without the need of sight But my dedication to you now will never be swayed Since I saw the thorn crown and the spilled blood you have paid