Elves, run after each other, until with baskets of flowers
You will cover the fields with lights and colours
Everybody is anxiously waiting for the procession
Admirable event
And nobody dare spy if he desires the prodigy
They dance in the night of the winter solstice!
Most beloved Goddess, your maids are shining with light
The animals will be oracles for just one day
Enchanted Great Run, visit us, too!
They dance joyfully, sowing fruits
Brightly, astonishing night!
I've spied your fairies, Goddess, they blinded me
Take me with you in your procession till another solstice
They dance joyfully, sowing fruits
They dance, they dance!
The echo of the Run is fading away, you can come out
The Shining Goddess is gone and there are
Those who decided to leave...