Spoken: Lord, I hate to hear that Frisco whistle blow!
Well, I saw the Frisco, when she left the yard
I saw the Frisco, when she left the yard
When that train pulled off it nearly broke my heart
There's two trains runnin', nary one goin' my way
Two trains runnin', nary one's goin' my way
Gonna leave here walkin', on this very day
Spoken: Oh, whup it, Mr. Whupper, whup it a long time! Whup it 'til I get this fifty changed
Well, there's one thing I don't like about the railroad track
One thing I don't like about that railroad track
They'll take your rider, never bring her back
Honey, where were you when the Frisco left the yard?
Where were you when the Frisco left the yard?
I was on the corner, police had me barred