O Righ nan dùl, cùm rium mo chiall
Cha robh mi riamh `s a'chunnart seo
Mi'n diugh 'san dè air cnoc leam fhèin
A'sileadh dhèur `s mi turraman.
`Si mo mhàthair rinn an call
`N uair chuir I shealg na funnaig mi
`S nuair ràinig mi an linne chaol
`S ann bha mo ghaol a'sruladh innt'.
`S e'n gunna caol a rinn mo leòn
Cha feid e òirleach tuilleadh leam
`S an fè rinn dhoms' an lèine chaol
Cha dean thu ghaoil gin tuille dhomh.
Ged théid mi suas do'n bhail' ud shuas
Cha bhi mo chuairt ach diomain ann
Air ieabaidh làir, chan fhaigh mi tàmh
`S air ieubaidh àrd cha chiúir iad mi.
O Mhairead òg, `stu rinn ma leòn
`S tu dh'fàg fo bhròn `s fo mhulad mi
`S tu`s guirme suil `s a mhadainn chiùin
Nan dearc air chùl nan duilleagan.
O King of the universe, keep me sane
I was never before in this danger
Yesterday and today, on a hill by myself
I wept while rocking to and fro.
It was my mother who caused this awful loss
When she sent me to hunt duck
When I arrived at the narrow pool
It was my love was bathing there.
It was the narrow gun which caused my pain
I will never take it with me again
And she who made for me the linen shirt
Will never make me another.
Although I should go up to that village
My visit will be but fleeting
I will not get rest on a floor bed
And they will not put me on a hogh bed.
Oh, young Margaret, you have caused my grief
You have left me sad and sorrowful
Your eyes are bluer in the calm morning
Than the berry behind the leaves.