I brought your fathers out of bondage to the richness of this land,
And they knew and praised the One who gave them everything they had;
But now their children`s children`s children take their lives into their hands;
They put their faith in flesh and blood, and hope in wind and sand.
But the messengers of heaven now are moving through the land,
And everything that´s said and done they see and understand.
And if one man in a thousand can be found to follow Me,
Then, for the sake of only one, I`ll let the others be.
You worship what your hands have made in gold and steel and stone
As if your souls could be contained by all the things you own;
And you praise Me with your lips alone – and bury love inside
Your hardened hearts that beat for lust and cannot feel for pride.
But the messengers of heaven now are moving through the land,
And everything that´s said and done they see and understand.
And if one man in a thousand can be found to follow Me,
Then, for the sake of only one, I`ll let the others be.
The prophet in the marketplace speaks strange and different tongues
And he cries aloud to every man: ‘The judgement has begun!'
But if you'll just believe his word and turn from all your sin,
I`ll heal your land of all its hurts and bless you once again.
And the messengers of heaven now are moving through the land…”
Everything that´s said and done they see and understand.
And if one man in a thousand can be found to follow Me,
Then, for the sake of only one, I`ll let the others be.
The messengers of heaven now are moving through the land;
Everything that´s said and done they see and understand.
And if one man in a thousand can be found to follow Me,
Then, for the sake of only one, I`ll let the others be.