Yeah He's that kid in the playground, who's as fast as a greyhound He steals your money, he hops around like a bunny, thinking he's funny Another 1 pound 50 lost, each day you get squashed. He throws you into the loft You wish you had the strength to take him down, but you're as skinny as a greyhound You can't tell, you'll be laughed at even more. You do, next day, shoved to the floor You try to react. Dangit, he must be trained. You're knocked out, when you wake up, your covered in paint It's like a nightmare you can't get away from.. [|/ He steals your money, calls you honey, whacks you with metal, knocks you down On pedals. Gives you a medal, ( No1 Dork. ). You need to react, stand up for yourself You can do it, you can beat him up, he's just | The Bully |. \|] You got a brain use it, be nice you won't lose It Act smart don't act tough, the kids you do it to are sick and tired, they've had enough You've taken it too far, haven't you noticed you're too rough? No no no, it wasn't a joke. Shoving someone in a bin is a joke?
One day that kid was soaked in Coke. The next he was choking because of you This kid has missed most of his school days because of you. I know it wasn't just you I seen your friends encouraging too. I'm not lying, he's not lying, this is all true We all know that since that kid was new you bullied him, one day he was waiting for school to begin You think you'd like it if you got a nosebleed for the amount of hours two Think about this. This kid is dying. Sicko [|/ He steals your money, calls you honey, whacks you with metal, knocks you down On pedals. Gives you a medal, ( No1 Dork. ). You need to react, stand up for yourself You can do it, you can beat him up, he's just | The Bully |. \|] NOTE: I have not been bullied, nor have I bullied. I made this rap because millions Of people around the world are getting bullied every day. I hope this rap inspires Others to help join the fight against bullying. Together, we can win. You need hope