The War Song of the Huitznahuac.
1. What ho! my work is in the hall of arms, I listen to no mortal, nor can any put me to shame, I know none such, I am the Terror, I know none other, I am where war is, my work is said to be in the hall of arms, let no one curse my children.
2. Our adornment comes from out the south, it is varied in color as the clothing of the eagle.
3. Ho! ho! abundance of youths doubly clothed, arrayed
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in feathers, are my captives, I deliver them up, I deliver them up, my captives arrayed in feathers.
4. Ho! youths for the Huitznahuac, arrayed in feathers, these are my captives, I deliver them up, I deliver them up, arrayed in feathers, my captives.
5. Youths from the south, arrayed in feathers, my captives, I deliver them up, I deliver them up, arrayed in feathers, my captives.
6. The god enters, the Huitznahuac, he descends as an example, he shines forth, he shines forth, descending as an example.
7. Adorned like us he enters as a god, he descends as an example, he shines forth, he shines forth, descending as an example