I move
God i move
Like Morning shadows
Unserious, scattered and welcome
Spoiled by the ample remainder of the day
I move in secret
Cloaked in obviousness and myth
My heart Shadowed by the lack of shade
A protected movement
Proudly flaunting it's miles
fathered of it's own heritage
I move
I move mountaineers nearer to the peak
I move with unhesitant drunk pure purpose
With the limps of future battles
With all there is to know
That will die before it is explained
I move
To never have to
say a word
I move
for this movement Is hard
to capture
And the cave drawing craved another
I move to meet your vector
Pointed at itself
Searching for its nectar
Tried by its wealth
I move dis attached, anchored
a likely movement of its own
I move when we're together
To realms familiar yet unknown
I move like hot air
one step above the cold
I move towards the vacuum
Always colored gold
I no longer know this man
This man who plays in my stead
This face who gave me refuge
This language of it's play
I only know his movement
His inertia still begging to be used
The moving cries of a realist
Only longing for a ruse
I move