How close can I get to you, I've got to get inside your skin
So I put on a blindfold, I locked myself inside a dark room
But I still didn't feel what you feel, I didn't know what you know
So I took the next logical step, I got blood in my eyes for you
How close is close enough, do I have to pierce the skin?
Do I have to cut you open to really become your friend?
How close can you get with words or with a touch?
Well it's never close enough, so I got blood in my eyes for you
Sasuke sings:
I saw you from the outside looking in
And it broke my heart to feel a distance from you
Without and within--
So I turned the inside out and I brought the outside in
I shed my skin, and I got blood in my eyes for you
Shunkin sings:
Really, Sasuke?
Is it really true?
Then your world
Is now my world
And we're one
Well I read the books you read I played what you played I said what you said
I did the things you did I let my body be a mantle for your head
But the breach was still too much for this disease they call love
So I shut the gap between us, I got blood in my eyes for you
Sasuke sings:
I saw you from the outside looking in
And it broke my heart to feel a distance from you
Without and within--
So I made your world my world, I made your skin my skin
And now we're one, and I got blood in my eyes for you
Shunkin sings:
Really, Sasuke?
Is it really true?
Then you've closed
The gulf between us
And we're one