He likes sipping his tea Slowly from the tip of the tea pot From the tip when the pot is hot When he's not lonely... I'm lonely not, he has it his peers I'm dancing around hands and He sheds some tears When she's not there He's quiet he is mad man He's quiet without she mad man mad man Le lourd chagrin d'un coeur fragile et fou D'extases va t'il me rendre souple Combler le vide, tenir le coup Attendant une nouvelle aurore sentimentale M'abreuve de ce liquide à la couleur pale Mes verres à vin se noient dans ma verveine S'use mon latin à perdre haleine Mad man walking down a string Mad man walking down a string Mad man walking down a string Mad man walking down a string with reality
Mad man walking down a string Mad man walking down a string with reality Mad man walking down a string Mad man walking down a string with reality Mad man walking down her skin The lady with the tea pot taking him within He's going crazy with this long long there walking down the street With this flower shirt, his loneliness and his thirst for tea Mad man walking down a string Mad man walking down a string Mad man walking down a string Mad man walking down a string with reality Mad man walking down a string Mad man walking down a string with reality Mad man walking down a string Mad man walking down a string with reality