when I was a starving writer I used to read the major writers in the major magazines (in the library, of course) and it made me feel very bad because-being a student of the word and the way, I realized that they were faking it: I could sense each false emotion, each utter pretense, it made me feel that the editors had their heads up their a**es-or were being politicized into publishing in-groups of power but I just kept writing and not eating very much-went down from 197 pounds to 137-but-got very much practice typing and reading
slips. it was when I reached 137 pounds that I said, to hell with it, quit typing and concentrated on drinking and the streets and the ladies of the streets-at least those people didn't read Harper's, The Atlantic or Poetry, a magazine of verse. and frankly, it was a fair and refreshing ten year lay-off then I came back and tried it again to find that the editors still had their heads up their a**es and/or etc. but I was up to 225 pounds rested and full of background music- ready to give it another shot in the dark.