The breeze blows colder at this Sunday seaside lunch By the boat you legally acquired Our little museum in the North is in decline You predict the East will rise again When you are lowered into the ground Your friends will set up a memorial fund Supporting all the boys who Dedicate their lives To our common end I avert my eyes I stare at the sea The founding fathers will not leave us be Another gruesome wartime anecdote is told Those beady eyes, what do they want? My attempt to pay for mine is kept back with a grin
'Cause we can never pay enough When you are lowered into the ground Your friends will set up a memorial fund Then give it to the boys who Sacrifice their lives They, our national pride I avert my eyes I stare at the sea The founding fathers abusing you and me I'm so thin I'm of no help at all But you say every little child must find its place I let the wind embrace me Pacify my mind And when I close my eyes No one knows just what I see And no one can take this view away from me