Soaring with wings of innocence I saw the Earth's resignation
This 3rd spit of the Sun from above seemed like a teardrop in a black ocean...
...a teardrop of pure emotion
You made me unwinged
Separated from my spine and grinded
Yoke instead feathers
But this falling made me sober
From closer world's beauty became disgust as I watched the man's slow swarming
Indifference, jealousy, despise, greed, extortion made the human virus unfolding
My wings -Your trophy
You're bursting with pride
My pain - Your proof
That you're always right
But to tell the truth I really don't care
You are something I'm not
My soul flies without these wings
As I crawl on the ground till my fingers bleed
Facing the human coldness I resolved to find the missing part of mine
Who stands the smell filled the lungs of mine