It happens once, just once When our worlds collide And you're forced to confront one another Who exactly is in charge here now? Is it the moneychangers, the wolves or is it you, my brother? We're all SPECTRES, we are phantoms, and we are the minions So, we get screwed, while they make the millions Can I have another serving of dignity, sir? I bow down before you and it is you that I serve. Now, go with the others and do as you're told
You don't belong to this and may I be so bold As to say "it's been a pleasure doing business with you, "But know this, I'm the hunter, but I don't hunt for you" I work hard for my money and I don't give it away! Do us all a big favor and come back some other day Or, how about never? Because you're not welcome here So I'll go about my business and I'll see you next year.