xOx <333Quenten && Jed Bush
My Life is brilliant. Jed bush is pure.
I saw a gay man of that I am sure.
He smiled at me on the subway,
he was with another man.
I wanted to sleep on him because I got a plan.
I saw his face in a crowded place and
I don
I will never be with you.
Yes, he caught my eye as he kissed me
goodbye. He could see from my face that
I was not saying goodbye.
And I don
We shared a moment that
I hope will happen again. You
space off
I will never be able to make babies with Jed.
Daaa Daaa Daaa Daaa DDaaa Daaad Daaa
He must be a gay man with a smile on his
face, and I wish I could be with you.
But is time to face the truth,
I will always be gay with you.