Just like I said You're so easily read Keeping the score When you know that you're so far behind Remember what I said to you Only speak when you are spoken to Open your eyes in the dark you can't see Lie to your friends If you have to be open with them Please don't ask for help my friend I've got so much blackmail to be sent Today's ways Don't owe you nothing Today's ways Don't owe you nothing Today's Just like I said Keep your thoughts in your head Trouble this time Your opinion is clashing with mine
I can not see what you mean Haven't touched you yet my hands are clean Speak up and shout slam the door don't walk out Keep on complaining The punishment will fit the crime I know that's not quite fair for you But I don't care there's nothing you can do Like I said you're not my friend Like I said you're so easily led Like I said you're not my friend Like I said you're so easily led Today's ways Don't owe you nothing Today's ways