I swear you could taste the chicken and tomatoes and the noodles and the marrow bone But it really wadn't nothin' but some water and potatoes And the wonderful wonderful soup stone Hangin' from a string in my momma's kitchen back in the hard time days Was a little ol' stone bout the size of an apple it was smooth and worn and gray There wadn't much food in my momma's kitchen so whenever things got tight Momma'd boil up some water put in the stone say let's have some soup tonight And I swear you could taste... It'd been in the family for a whole lotta years so we knew it was a nourishing thing And I remember momma as he stirred it in the water and we could all hear her sing
It's a magical stone and as long as we got it we'll never have a hungry night Just add a little love to the wonderful soup stone and everything'll be all right And I swear you could taste... So it carried us all through the darkenin' days till finally the sunshine came And the soup stone started in a gatherin' dust but it hung there just the same But ever since then Lord the food's been plenty and ever now and then I find That momma in the kitchen and the wonderful soup stone drifts across my mind And again I'd taste taste... We were nourished by the wonderful soup stone oh the wonderful wonderful soup stone