I'm calling from the station and I haven't got much time to let you know Got a ticket for Missouri and there's things I need to say before I go If I could I'd have you meet me but I don't see how I can I don't have enough to pay your fare There's a factory in Columbus hirin' now I understand And they're looking for an able bodied man Baby you should get some money in the letter that I mailed two days ago But when I wrote the letter saying you could come to me I didn't know That I was goin' to lose my job in such a little while Now I guess we'll have to change our plan
They may not hire me in Columbus but I'm pretty sure they will Cause they're looking for an able bodied man If I had more education now I'd a' made a better life for me and you But just simple manual labor is the only kind of work that I can do The bus is loadin' for Missouri so I guess I'd better go Hon I'll call you up as soon as I can I'll be sending you a ticket cause I know I'll get a job If they're looking for an able bodied man I'll be sending you a ticket cause I know I'll get a job And remember I'm your able bodied man