Biz Markie - lyrics

Top Biz Markie lyrics

Beatbox (interlude) *


Be my valentine
Be my valentine
Biz Markie


Bad by Myself
Bad by Myself
Biz Markie


Bad Day
Bad Day
Biz Markie


Anybody Seen My Baby


And I Rock
And I Rock
Biz Markie


Biz Markie biography

Biz Markie's inclination toward juvenile humor and his fondness for goofy, tuneless, half-sung choruses camouflaged his true talents as a freestyle rhymer. The Biz may not have been able to translate his wild rhyming talents to tape, but what he did record was worthwhile in its own way. With his silly humor and inventive, sample-laden productions, he proved that hip-hop could be funny and melodic, without sacrificing its street credibility. His distinctive style made his second album, The ... Show more