In the late afternoon A sky and a calm sea join They fade into the dirty silver Of an old coin It's so still it could be morning Before the heat held in the sand We have the beach to ourselves now The brown eyed girl, the empty man And she wants to make love I want to drink Drinking is what I do best She rolls onto her side And reaches across the blanket For my cigarettes She asks me if I called my wife I tell her "no, not yet" and she says "You can't stall forever
You've got to make that call sometime" But I just don't want to hear A stranger's voice, on that end of the line And she wants to make love I want to drink Drinking is what I do best Back at the motel She takes a shower I watch the last rounds of a fight I pick up a phone And call a restaurant Dinner for two, some place new tonight I try to picture my wife with her new love But I just can't get it right And I just want to do something I do well tonight ---