Kick in the afterburners Kingspittter be a blast furnace of Vesuvius lava Newly minter fresh water edition Green power Hotter than rocking a suede yarmulke during the intifada thru Gaza Outlandish pageantry break out the royal Puntland lithium Somalia Sitting across from the newly sainted Johnny Paulo Celestial drama Being up under the God is a hard pill to swallow Vampire slayer Amscray fiendish ghoul You ain't Dracula you just long in the tooth Coked up zombie banker Return to bloody Jekyll Island Blow up Gaddafi son and every single last grandchild Said you wasn't even looking for him that way Just happen to be prancing about on a ritual day With a coked out zombie banker Skeleton bones dancing around with known phantoms UN NATO protectionism is cat food amongst a pride of lions Stay out the continent (Africa) On some ole contain China With some of that good old fashioned grid iron 200 mph rocking rugby Nolan Ryan
OBL UBL swimsuit edition Bloop bloop bloop bloop 2011 late Sunday on mayday The mayday song Just as long as that takes for it to sink Elaborate mechanisms of the austerity minions Self controlled demolition Hovercraft ghost dance to the stock lines diminish Gives a fresh perspective to Fresh k**s, USA And since that cap off WTC7 From two 110 story buildings come down in under 12 seconds A thousand cameras in Arlington Can only see but just one Ten years of National Security and Homeland Security endless war Come to find out blow up your own pentagon under stand-down orders War gaming Blow a hole in your own fortress Living in that Shanksville, USA Law & Order-ville If that ain't treason in the capitalist bloods**ing republic But this ain't no season of the bloods**er Somebody rocking way too much war Prada Bloop bloop bloop bloop Machines that make civilization...