Намести фризура и гладувај Помоли се тој до тебе да пропадне, крив е што си проклето неспособен И запамти во победа си поразен џуџе зависно од признание Ти си роден гениј чекаш шанса, штета космосот е против тебе Translation: DO YOUR HAIR AND STARVE The river glows through town A banded brotherhood of trash. They'll drown if they have to! Even the shallows are deep When you have no strength! Do your hair and starve From a donkey to a cyber-solitary/station And wait to be proclaimed A person or a nation! Pray that the one next to you goes down
It's his fault you're incompetent To love anyone, anything without petting The beast that feeds you wrath! You are a born genius waiting for a chance Too bad the universe is against you. You don't need pills to sleep only when you follow orders. Look for The Man! He'll know What's good for you. Hate him, but obey him. He'll grow strong as you grow weak. And remember! Victory is your defeat A peewee hooked on recognition Doesn't ask for much, only to be petted by The beast that feeds him wrath.