The candle is dead, the cold remains Keep as a memory what you did to me Die for this! The wind makes the flame twist Smile as you see my defeat The scars are closed, the cold remains The cold remains on my cold remains Look me deep in the eyes Around me falls the sweet and cruel darkness embrace Let me love you, beautiful guiltiness, you devour me so slow I can feel the demons of your run in my blood gnaw my veins from the inside The sensation is so delicious Hit and consume my equilibrium Hit and consume deeds of survival There's no wrath or remorse as I creep until the unknown abyss It's only the fear as I see my cold remains Spilled everywhere around me It makes confuse my sense, forget the limits of my own body
The place where I lay savagely left to die My tongue is dry, my teeth are chattering I feel the awful taste and nausea envelop my brain In an opaque veil which shrinks and smothers it The hazy horizon grows and the flame still shakes The pale silhouettes disappear one by one They can dance, I don't care There's this sweet gasp rocking my heart Its beats are so slow and discreet now, like falling asleep I see the candle extinguish Fire consumes the wax and vanishes away Daddy will never leave you my lovely kids... the scars are closed The candle is dead, the cold remains The cold remains on my cold remains