Compa**, Pleasance, Lady, Ironside, Practice, Polish, Chair, Keep, &c. Com. Was ever any Gentlewoman us'd So barbarously by a malicious Gossip, Pretending to be Mother to her too? Pol. Pretending! Sir, I am her Mother, and challenge A right, and power for what I have done. Com. Out, Hag; Thou that hast put all nature off, and Woman, For sordid gain, betray'd the trust committed Unto thee by the dead, as from the living: Chang'd the poor innocent Infants in their Cradles: Defrauded them o' their Parents, chang'd their names, Calling Placentia, Pleasance; Pleasance, Placentia.
Pol. How knows he this? Com. Abus'd the Neighbour-hood; But most this Lady. Did'st enforce an Oath, To this poor Woman, on a pious Book, To keep close thy Impiety. Pol. Ha' you told this? Keep. I told it? no, he knows it, and much more, As he's a cunning Man. Pol. A cunning Fool, If that be all. Com. But now to your true Daughter, That had the Child, and is the proper Pleasance, We must have an account of that too, Gossip. Pol. This's like all the rest of Mr. Compa**.