Monday - treasure island is a popular pirate story of a guy a who finds a map. turns out he's the owner of the island and it has buried treasure. so the guy (jim hawkins) sets out to find the buried treasure. Tuesday - Charlotte's web is about a pig that becomes friends with a spider. the owner of the farm the pig lives on wants to k** the pig but the pig doesn't want to die. so the spider tries to help the pig out. Wednesday - twilight is about a girl that moves into a new town. she thought it would be a boring move but things start to change. she ends up meeting a dude named Edward who's secretly a vampire.
Thursday - the island of the blue dolphins is about a girl that is trapped and stuck on an island. she was on the island for 18 years. she had to be able to adapt to the new environment and get used to it. Friday - the people of sparks is the fourth book of the city of ember. they basically travel back to their abandoned, underground city to look for useful things. but they are in for a big surprise as they go down there. they didn't expect to see what they saw when they went down there.