O painful life when will you decide to leave this weakened body to let my soul rest in peace
O grieving heart when will you finally cease to beat and stop the stream that is flowing through my veins
Disilusioned are my dreams
My will to leave has expired
Rotten are my last hopes
Please d**h come and make it end
Sorrow has replaced my joy
So ephemeral in my life
Abandonned is my spirit
Once so strong in my dreams
And loneliness is k**ing me
Nothing is worth for evermore
Now nothingness dwells in my mind
Letting me rule the ruins of my life
Buried now are my last hopes
Please d**h end this agony
Sorrow has replaced my joy
So ephemeral in my life
Abandonned is my spirit
Once so strong in my dreams
And loneliness is k**ing me
Nothing is worth for evermore
Now nothingness dwells in my mind
Letting me rule the ruins of my life
Je voudrais vider ce corps de tout ce sang
Et purger ainsi tous ces membres contamin?s par la m?lancolie
Toutefois ma fin est proche car mon esprit a sombr? dans la folie
Oh funeste proph?tie accomplis toi donc et d?livre moi de cette vie