The Arena Battle Rap League
The Ariel
The Aristocrat
The Aristocrats
The Ark
The Arka Teks
The Arkham Carolers
The Armada
The Armed
The Armoury Show
The Arrivals
The Arrogant Sons Of b**hes
The Arrogant Worms
The Arrs
The Arsenals
The Arsenicals
The Art Museums
The Art Of Noise
The Art of Skinner
The Art of Sleeping
The Artichokes
The Artificial Heart
The Artificial Sea
The Artificials
The Artisans Beats
The Artist
The Artist Beach
The Artistics
The Artists Organization
The Artwoods
The Arusha Accord
The Asbestos
the Asbury Jukes
The Ascendicate
The Ascent Of Everest
The Asoka
The Aspiring Me
The Assa**inators
The Assa**ins (The band of Fremont elementary)
The Assembled Multitude
The Assembly
The Associated Press
The Associates
The Association
The Assurance
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour
The Aston Shuffle
The Aston Shuffle Vs. Tommy Trash
The Astronauts
The Ataris
The Atlanta Falcons
The Atlantic
The Atlas Moth
The Atlicic
The Atomic b**hwax
The Atomic Fireballs
The Atomic Love Bombs
The Atomica Project
The Atomics
The Atoms Family
The Atrocity Exhibit
The Attack
The Attery Squash
The Attic
The Attic Ends
The Attire
The Attractions
The atttraction
The Audible Doctor
The Audibles
The Audio Guy
The Audition
The Audreys
The August Empire
The Auracle
The Austerity Program
The Austin Jones Band
The Australian Legal System
The Auteurs
The Author
The Automatic
The Automatic Automatic
The Autumn Defense
The Autumn Film
The Autumn Offering
The AV Club
The Avalanche Diaries
The Avalanches
The Avalon Big Band
The Avener
The Avengers
The Avett Brothers
The Avid Record Collector
The Away Days
The Away Team
The Awesome Sound
The Awesome Welles
The Awkward Public