CHAPTER XX. A CALL TO ARMS! AND A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INSTITUTE'S PROGRAM WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP All that has been said in this "explanatory" bulletin regarding the program of The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration, would be of no avail were it not "acted upon." Unless those who have read our proclamation decide to "personally co-operate" in the promulgation of this message, they might just as well have not read it at all. Words "without actions" are like rooms without lights—they may be "veritable treasure houses"—and yet if no hand were reached out to make use of the treasures—(by turning on the lights and discovering their true value)—in other words, by acting upon the knowledge of the "availability" of such treasures as our words have described,—there would be no reason for having written them. Were it not that the "actions" we recommend for the formation of an organization large enough to accomplish the result we have herein described, would require but little more energy than that which you might use in reaching out your hand and pressing an electric light bu*ton in some "treasure room" into which you had been led, there might be some slight justification for hesitancy or procrastination. However, the only steps you are asked to take, consist in placing four (4) or more copies of this "Explanatory" bulletin in circulation by lending them to your many friends and acquaintances. Only such action on the part of many millions of men and women—"and without delay"—can possibly bring about the formation of a group of people sufficiently large to combat the ceaselessly growing menace—not only of Communism—but also that of another great world war; a war, the successful consummation of which will bring about the establishment of a type of human slavery so terrifying that words cannot even start to describe it. The responsibility of preventing the fulfillment of the plans of our world's incalculably wealthy Hidden Rulers, belongs as much to one as to another, and yet—(if the world's "right-thinking" inhabitants are willing to act as a body and do as did the Children of Israel—in their march around the walls of Jericho—and they will—with "one voice"—demand that these subversive forces be forever uprooted, and that an economic system be founded upon the "Literal Signification" as well as the "Spiritual Principle" of Christ Jesus' Golden Rule)—such a result can be quickly brought to pa**,—and with but little individual effort. If you value the safety and happiness of your loved ones—as well as your own security—you will not only "act" upon the recommendations contained on the last page of this book, but you will do it "Today," while this subject is fresh in your thought, and before numerous responsibilities or demands upon your time cause you to postpone such "needed" action. WE STILL HAVE THE PRIVILEGES OF "FREE SPEECH" AND "THE RIGHTS OF ASSEMBLY" IN BUT A FEW OF THE WORLD'S GREAT NATIONS. HOW LONG IT WILL BE BEFORE THE RIGHT TO SAY WHAT WE THINK, AND THE PRIVILEGE OF MEETING WITH OUR FELLOW BEINGS FOR THE PURPOSE OF RIGHTING ANY WRONGS UNDER WHICH WE MAY BE SUFFERING, WILL STILL BE GRANTED TO US—IN VIEW OF THE GROWTH OF COMMUNISM AND DICTATORSHIPS—NO ONE KNOWS. BUT "TODAY" IS YOURS!—AND AT "THIS MINUTE"—"NOW!"—WHILE YOU ARE READING THIS BOOK, YOU STILL HAVE THOSE PRIVILEGES. DO NOT DEPRECIATE THEIR IMPORTANCE, NOR BE DECEIVED INTO THINKING THAT THEY WILL ENDURE IN SPITE OF THE UNDERMINING INFLUENCE OF THE "ATHEISTIC TERMITES" OF COMMUNISM AND FASCISM—SELFISHNESS—GREED—BRUTALITY—AND THE MAD AMBITION OF THE FABULOUSLY WEALTHY "MORAL IDIOTS" WHO NOW CONTROL THE WORLD'S MAJOR FINANCIAL AND POLITICAL STRUCTURES! DO NOT BE DECEIVED INTO BELIEVING THAT SUCH RIGHTS WILL EXIST WITHOUT "YOUR HELP" AND THE WEIGHT OF "YOUR INFLUENCE," (EVEN THOUGH IT MAY SEEM TO BE EVER SO SLIGHT IN YOUR OWN EYES.) FOR SUCH IS NOT THE CASE! ALREADY THESE RIGHTS HAVE BEEN LARGELY LOST!!! THERE ARE BUT FEW PILLARS UPHOLDING THE LIBERTIES OF FREE MEN, THAT HAVE NOT ALREADY BEEN GNAWED THROUGH—OR ROTTED OUT AT THEIR VERY CORES—BY THE POISONOUS ATHEISTIC TEACHINGS OF THE WORLD'S TENS OF MILLIONS OF COMMUNISTS AND FASCISTS;—ATHEISTS WHO TEACH "THE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN" WHEN THEY SEEK NEW RECRUITS FOR THEIR RANKS, YET WHOSE LEADERS LIVE THE LIVES OF "RAVENOUS WOLVES," AND PRACTICE THE BRUTALITIES OF THE DARK AGES, AS SOON AS THEY HAVE PLACED THEIR VICTIMS COMPLETELY UNDER THEIR DESPOTIC CONTROL. Only "your help"—combined with millions of other clear-thinking men and women—can prevent civilization's final overthrow by these forces!!! Only the establishment of an economic system based upon the irrevocable principle of "Universal Economic Equality,"—as preached—not by the Communists and Fascists—but by "Christ Jesus"—(when He promised us that the Kingdom of Heaven was "at hand," and its limitless joys available for our happiness whenever we would practice His Golden Rule, and "equally share" the world's bounty with our fellowmen)—can ever destroy the "humanly planned" and "humanly perpetuated" causes of world-wide illiteracy, poverty, and war. It is imperative that you raise your voice—"now"—in behalf of the establishment of such an economic system, while you are still allowed to speak your thoughts and to meet with your brother-man for discussions regarding them. Your help is greatly needed if we are to maintain—and perpetually retain—such rights. You possess these rights today, but no one on this earth can promise that you will still be granted them tomorrow. We therefore feel fully justified in appealing to you for your co-operation, and in warning you against procrastinating. We not only invite you to act upon the recommendations contained herein, but it would not be possible for us to "too strongly" impress upon your thought, the urgency of acting "today!" *"There is a principle, which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance."—AGAIN WE REMIND YOU THAT THIS PRINCIPLE IS—"CONTEMPT PRIOR TO EXAMINATION." INASMUCH AS OUR WORLD-WIDE PROGRAM WILL BE FREE TO THOSE WHO HAVE PURCHASED AND CAREFULLY STUDIED A COPY OF THIS BOOK, OUR SPONSORS REQUEST THAT YOU POSTPONE ANY ATTEMPT TO JUDGE THE MANY ASPECTS RELATIVE TO THE PRACTICAL OPERATION OF SAID PROGRAM, OR THE UNIVERSAL SERVICE CORPORATION, UNTIL THE CONCLUSION OF OUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT'S 30-DAY RELEASE OF ITS DISCOVERIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. THIS REQUEST IS JUSTIFIED—(AS WE HAVE PREVIOUSLY STATED HEREIN)—BY THE FACT THAT NOT EVEN THE WORLD'S MOST BRILLIANT ECONOMISTS COULD AT THIS STAGE IN OUR PROGRAM, WITH ANY DEGREE OF FAIRNESS EITHER TO THEMSELVES OR TO US, PASS JUDGMENT THEREON. ALL WE ARE ASKING YOU TO DO AT THIS TIME, IS TO HELP US FORM AN AUDIENCE LARGE ENOUGH TO WARRANT THE RELEASE OF OUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT'S PAST SIXTY YEARS OF DISCOVERIES, AND A FULL AND COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF ITS RECOMMENDATIONS; BUT WE DO ASK THAT YOU HELP US TO FORM THIS AUDIENCE AND THAT YOU GRANT US YOUR CO-OPERATION IN ITS FORMATION, "WITHOUT DELAY!" I—If you believe that the world has enough efficient executives, highly trained workers and mechanical inventions, and that it has sufficient undeveloped resources with which to end both poverty and war;—if—(knowing that the world has over one hundred (100) times more agricultural land than has ever been intensively cultivated)—you are willing to permit such undeveloped lands to be made use of to produce the food with which to feed "the entire human race;" II—If you do not object to voting in favor of granting five hundred million (500,000,000) of the present "unemployed" inhabitants of our earth the right to keep from "starving to d**h," and if you do not object to allowing them to exchange their labor for food, by creating and maintaining tens of thousands of miles of broad tree-lined highways—constructing greatly needed flood control facilities—can*ls and harbors—building air ports—draining the swamps and taking water into the deserts—designing and developing thousands of gloriously beautiful parks—playgrounds and athletic fields,—and to thereby turn our world into the garden spot it was intended to be; III—If you are willing to permit the world's hundreds of millions of intelligent, talented, and highly capable unemployed men and women to regain their morale, and to earn their financial independence by turning our earth into a literal paradise of beauty and security for the entire human race; IV—If you do not object to having the talents and efforts of such people directed not only for the accomplishment of the above described results, but also combined with the rest of the world's trained workers to provide a beautiful, substantial, and well-furnished home—(set in beautifully landscaped grounds)—for every family on our earth—"within less than ten years"—irrespective of race, religion, cla**, color or vocation,—and subject only to the willingness of the Corporation's "co-owner" employees to learn how to use—enjoy—and protect such possessions as are made available to them; V—If you are willing that mankind should receive—through the avenues of more efficient methods of production and distribution—an immediate saving of approximately twenty-five (25c) cents out of the average dollar now spent for merchandise, and that all men and women in every nation should be granted the le lowing described benefits:— 1st.—Guaranteed immediate employment and an international labor schedule of 4 hours per day, 4 days a week, 8 months each year; 2nd.—An a**ured vacation period (with pay) for all workers, of 3 days per week, and 4 entire months each year; 3rd.—A minimum of $3,000.00 per year ($250.00 per month)—salary or income, for all adults—"both men and women"—irrespective of race, creed, color, cla**, profession or vocation; 4th.—A pension of not less than $3,000.00 per year for all men and women over 40 years of age, (who desire to have their full time for their own use,)—provided they have worked a total of not less than eleven thousand (11,000) hours for the internationally owned world-wide corporation,—(approximately 20 years of work at 4 hours per day, 4 days per week, 8 months each year, or 10 years of work at 8 hours per day, 4 days per week, 8 months each year);
5th.—A pension of $3,000.00 per year—(without any restrictions as to length of employment)—for all incapacitated men or women, and for all persons over 60 years of age, who desire to have their full time for their own use; VI—If you are willing to have a great universal service corporation immediately established, which will be "equally owned" and "equally controlled" by those who approve of its formation, and which will be capable of bringing to pa** the above described results without bloodshed or resort to "brute force" of any kind, and without "confiscating"—"destroying"—or "acquiring"—anyone's properties or a**ets,—until just compensation has first been allowed,"—but which will be powerful, influential, and wealthy enough to "fully reimburse," not only those whom it will employ, but also the individuals, groups or companies, whose properties or a**ets may be required for the successful accomplishment of the results and benefits to which we have herein referred;—a corporation capable of producing enough food, clothes, homes, and educational, cultural and travel facilities, to abundantly meet the demands of every man, woman and child on our planet, and able to make all useful, interesting or beautiful parts of the earth, accessible by adequate highways, harbors and air ports;—a corporation with the facilities for permanently hiring and directing a force of one hundred million (100,000,000) men and women gardeners and landscape architects, exclusively for the purpose of developing and permanently maintaining thousands of parks, gardens, playgrounds, and athletic fields in all nations;—a corporation with the educational facilities for teaching a universal auxiliary language, and thereby rapidly overcoming the religious, racial, and cla** antagonisms which now result in such widespread and destructive hatred; VII—If you are willing—through the concerted action of the world's educated and religious peoples—to bring about the disbandment of all armies and navies, and the destruction of all munitions and armaments of war in all nations, and to do so "simultaneously" with the establishment of an International Home Guard capable of maintaining peace and order throughout the world;—and if you are willing that there should be no more revolutions, "wars" or "rumors of wars;" no more illiteracy or "maliciously perpetuated" forms of superstition; no more "hungry" or "starving" men, women, or little children, and no more ugliness or poverty in any part of our gloriously beautiful world home; VIII—If you are willing to have our Research Department's discoveries presented to you during a great world-wide free 30-day program;—(evidence which will—for all time to come—prove that each and every one of the benefits described in this volume, can be brought to pa** at any time that two hundred million (200,000,000) "intelligently industrious" and "right-thinking" men and women agree to combine their talents and their strength towards such an accomplishment;) IX—If—after receiving the above-mentioned program—you would be willing to cast your vote either "for" or "against" each of the one hundred (100) recommendations which will at that time be submitted to you,—(bearing always in mind that you will then be voting with a "full and complete knowledge" of all facts,—"not blindly"); and—(in final conclusion of this resumé of our program)—if you are willing to take into consideration the fact that every minute of hunger and exposure, now being "needlessly experienced" by hundreds of millions of "starving"—"homeless" human beings, seems like "an eternity of torture" to them, and if you are willing to also take into consideration the further and even more greatly important fact—to you and your loved ones—that every hour of delay lessens mankind's ability to safeguard their lives and their liberties against the impending war of planned wholesale extermination;—then we invite you to help us to help you—your loved ones—your friends and your neighbors, to help the right - thinking men and women of this earth to "immediately" meet together in a common cause on the common ground of a common-sense world-wide program of "right ideas," and a final "conclusive attack" upon the "real causes" of mankind's poverty, bloodshed and suffering. MEANWHILE, LET US SHORTEN THE PERIOD OF HUMANITY'S "UTTERLY NEEDLESS AGONY," AS MUCH AND AS "RAPIDLY" AS POSSIBLE BY "AT ONCE" GOING INTO ACTION TO SPEED THIS PRACTICAL MESSAGE—OF "PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TO ALL MANKIND"—QUICKLY UPON ITS WAY!!! IN HELPING TO BUILD OUR GREATLY NEEDED NEW ECONOMIC SYSTEM YOU WILL BE STARTING WITH US UPON THE MOST GLORIOUS ADVENTURE EVER EXPERIENCED BY THE MEN OR WOMEN OF ANY AGE; AN ADVENTURE TRULY WORTHY OF INTELLIGENT CREATURES,—FOR YOUR REWARD WILL BE A WORLD OF "BROTHERLY LOVE" AND "UNIVERSAL HAPPINESS";—A WORLD IN WHICH THERE WILL BE NEITHER "WAR" NOR "POVERTY." BEFORE MANY MONTHS HAVE PASSED ALONG THEIR WAY, THOSE WHO ARE NOW THE WORLD'S SUFFERING, HOPELESS, HELPLESS MILLIONS, WILL ENRICH YOUR LIFE WITH THEIR MANY EXPRESSIONS OF GRATEFUL APPRECIATION FOR THE BLESSINGS OF SECURITY AND HAPPINESS WHICH YOUR GENEROUS ASSISTANCE WILL HAVE HELPED TO PROVIDE FOR THEM. ANTICIPATING YOUR GRACIOUS ACCEPTANCE OF THIS INVITATION, THE INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION BUREAU—PUBLISHERS OF "MANKIND UNITED"—TOGETHER WITH THE INTERNATIONAL LEGION OF VIGILANTES AND OUR ARMY OF LOYAL, DEVOTED ASSOCIATE WORKERS SINCERELY THANK YOU, AND JOIN IN WELCOMING YOU AS A MEMBER OF "MANKIND UNITED." WHEN, IN THE NOT FAR-DISTANT FUTURE, IT BECOMES YOUR PRIVILEGE TO HAVE "FREELY" REVEALED TO YOU, "THE PROOFS" WHICH WILL CONSTITUTE "A COMPLETE GUARANTEE" OF PERSONAL AS WELL AS INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND FREEDOM, YOU WILL THEN FULLY RECOGNIZE THIS ACTION—(WHICH DEEP DOWN IN YOUR HEART WE FEEL THAT YOU KNOW IT IS RIGHT FOR YOU TO TAKE)—AS HAVING BEEN THE MOST IMPORTANT ACT OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. NO ACT OF DUTY AT THIS MOMENT "COULD BE" MORE IMPORTANT THAN THAT OF TURNING TO THE LAST TWO PAGES OF THIS VOLUME AND FOLLOWING THE INSTRUCTIONS YOU WILL FIND PRINTED THEREON. The following solicitation appears at the end of the original book. It is reproduced for completeness. Please be advised that this organization is long defunct—JBH. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP FIRST:. . . Order as many copies of "Mankind United" as you can put into circulation among your relatives, friends, acquaintances and neighbors. (If you desire to do so, these books may be sold by you in order to thereby defray the cost of new copies for additional circulation.) SECOND:. . . You can help to put reliable unemployed friends or relatives into remunerative employment (either part or full time) by having them read "Mankind United," and then arrange to join the force of workers now a**isting us in the world-wide circulation of this book. (Applicants please communicate with local branch registration bureau at address noted on next page hereof. Further information regarding the honorary pension awards herein described—(See pages #247 to #261 inclusive) and details regarding the method by which our co-workers are enabled to qualify for one of these lifetime pensions, will be sent with the answer to said applications). THIRD:. . . You can organize a branch—or branches—of the International 4-4-8-3-4 Study Club. (See page #267.) Further information relative thereto and instructions for forming branches thereof, should you so desire, will be forwarded to you after you have purchased your first copy of "Mankind United." FOURTH:. . . You can act as a supervisor or as a lecturer for a branch of the International Registration Bureau, provided you possess the requisite executive experience, organizing ability and qualifications demanded by such a position. PLEASE NOTE AFTER YOU HAVE PURCHASED YOUR FIRST COPY OF THIS VOLUME—(AND HAVE THEREBY INDICATED AN "ACTIVE" INTEREST IN OUR PROGRAM)—YOU WILL BE INVITED TO ATTEND ANY MEETINGS WHICH MAY BE HELD BY YOUR LOCAL BRANCH OF THE INTERNATIONAL 4-4-8-3-4 CLUB, AT WHICH TIME—SHOULD YOU WISH FURTHER INFORMATION—A PERSONAL APPOINTMENT WILL BE ARRANGED FOR YOU—AT YOUR CONVENIENCE—BY THE CLUB'S SECRETARY. INSTRUCTIONS AND MAILING ADDRESS PRICE AND POSTAGE:. . . The retail selling price of "Mankind United" is $2.50 per copy, plus a postage and mailing charge of 15c per copy within the United States and Canada, and 25c per copy elsewhere. (Terms: . . . Cash with order.) WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER:. . . State number of copies wanted and the total amount of the payment you are enclosing. (Your remittance should be sent either by bank draft, post office money order or personal check drawn in favor of the branch registration bureau noted at the bottom of this page. PLEASE DO NOT SEND EITHER CURRENCY OR POSTAGE STAMPS UNLESS YOU REGISTER YOUR LETTER). LEGIBILITY MOST IMPORTANT:. . . TO AVOID CLERICAL ERRORS PRINT OR WRITE LEGIBLY. BE SURE AND STATE YOUR NAME "IN FULL" (SPECIFY MR., MRS. OR MISS) AND YOUR ADDRESS—POST OFFICE BOX NUMBER—STREET NUMBER (ALSO APARTMENT NUMBER IF ANY)—CITY—STATE—NATION. (In order that your invitation to our 30-day program may be correctly prepared and cla**ified according to your "vocation" or "profession", please state the nature thereof when sending in your order.) WHERE TO ADDRESS US: . . . Send all orders or other communications to your local branch registration bureau, using the name and bureau number shown at the bottom of this page. PLEASE NOTE:. . . To protect our representatives against the numerous demands upon their time—which would invariably occur if an address at which people could call "in person " were specified—the International Registration Bureau has recommended that its branch registration bureaus, and its 4-4-8-3-4 Clubs and representatives, (whenever their local post office facilities enable them to do so), use a "post office box number" for their mailing address. In many instances this will, of course, not be possible: We therefore request that if an office or street address is noted at the bottom of this page (as our local representatives' address) that you extend the courtesy of writing for a definite appointment before calling in person. Your gracious compliance with this request will indeed be most deeply appreciated.