CHAPTER XVI. BIGOTED SKEPTICISM AND INEVITABLE EXTERMINATION OR INTELLIGENT CO-OPERATION AND "ECONOMIC EQUALITY" WHICH SHALL IT BE ? We seek only the privilege of presenting, as a gift to the human race, the results of our sixty years of investigations, discoveries, and perfected inventions,—all of which have been carefully tested and their value fully proven during the past sixteen years of our Research Department's preparations for its world-wide 30-day proclamation. Inasmuch as no group of less than two hundred million (200,000,000) clear-thinking and intelligently industrious men and women would have either the buying power or combined influence with which to act upon our recommendations, no further information than that which this book contains will be released to the public until after our Research Department has been a**ured by its co-workers in The International Legion of Vigilantes, that their Branch Registration Bureaus and 4-4-8-3-4 Clubs (hereinafter described) can guarantee the availability of such an audience. WE SHALL GIVE NO DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE FACILITIES THROUGH WHICH OUR 30-DAY PROGRAM WILL BE IMPARTED TO OUR AUDIENCE, OTHER THAN TO STATE THAT THEY ARE "THOROUGHLY ADEQUATE" FOR THIS PURPOSE. A "general" does not send a detailed description of his armaments, the position of his army, nor the place nor the time of his contemplated attack, to his enemies. Neither shall our Research Department at this time describe the nature of the discoveries which will enable it to simultaneously communicate its information—"without cost"—to those who previously agree to take the time to cast their votes for or against the various measures which will be recommended for world-wide action at the conclusion of its 30-day program. The world's "Hidden Rulers" have no means by which to ascertain the nature of such discoveries until we introduce their use to our audience. At that time it will be "much too late" for any subversive forces to prevent the release of our program. THE ONLY ASSISTANCE WE REQUEST IS YOUR GOOD WILL AND UNPREJUDICED AND OPEN THOUGHT, TOGETHER WITH YOUR COOPERATION IN PLACING A COPY OF THIS BOOK IN THE HANDS OF EACH MAN OR WOMAN WHOM YOU FEEL WOULD BE WILLING TO DO AN "EQUAL SHARE" OF THE WORLD'S WORK, AND RECEIVE AN "EQUAL SHARE" OF THE WORLD'S INDESCRIBABLY ABUNDANT RESOURCES IN PREFERENCE TO THE UNCERTAINTIES OF THE "EACH-WOLF-FOR-HIMSELF" PLAN, WHICH THE WORLD NOW CALLS ITS "PRIVATE-PROFIT SYSTEM." Only those to whom either a direct invitation to receive our Research Department's 30-day program is—or has already been—extended by The International Registration Bureau, or those whose thoughts are prepared for said program through a thorough study and understanding of the contents of this "Explanatory" bulletin entitled "Mankind United"—(which you are now reading)—and who have been sufficiently interested to acquire one or more copies thereof for circulation,—will be invited to receive or to vote upon our recommendations. In accordance with this ruling, a record of each person who is officially registered as above described, or who purchases copies of said bulletin, will be kept until such a time as 200,000,000 men and women have been so listed in The Institute's files. To facilitate the accomplishment of such a result, those who read "Mankind United" are invited to acquire copies thereof for circulation among their friends and acquaintances. Although this book is, and will continue to be, published "exclusively" by The International Registration Bureau's Pacific Coast Division of North America, it will nevertheless, be circulated far and wide by numerous other branches of The Institute and their a**ociate workers, throughout the civilized nations of our earth. Some single volumes may be read by as many as from fifty to one hundred people, and it is hoped that no volume will stop at just one reader. HOWEVER, IT IS SUGGESTED THAT NO COPY OF SAID BOOK BE PLACED IN THE HANDS OF ANYONE WHO WILL NOT AGREE TO TAKE THE TIME TO CAREFULLY READ IT WITHIN "THREE (3) DAYS" FROM THE DATE OF ITS RECEIPT AND, IMMEDIATELY AFTER DOING SO, RETURN IT TO ITS OWNER FOR FURTHER CIRCULATION. A selling price of $2.50 has been placed on this volume in order to a**ist in defraying part of the total expenses of over five hundred million ($500,000,000) dollars, which will be incurred in forming our world-wide audience and in placing a copy of said publication in the hands of each of the 200,000,000 men and women who will constitute a part of said audience. The selling price of $2.50 is also intended to defray part of the costs of preparing the necessary data for recording and cla**ifying such individuals according to their respective professions and vocations on The Institute's carefully guarded official records, and also as a means of compensating those who are helping to place this book in the hands of the 200,000,000 people with whom we desire to communicate. During our 30-day program, the members of our audience will be supplied with "officially audited" and "properly authenticated" records to prove that no portion of the $2.50 selling price above mentioned, has been retained either as salaries, or in the form of financial profits, by any official of The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration, or by any member of said institute's Research Department;—in fact not even so small an amount as 1/10th of 1 cent. Their services and their lives have been—are now—and will "continuously" be dedicated and donated to this cause. Due to the urgency of an early release of our 30-day proclamation, and the vital importance of "immediately" creating permanent positions for the needlessly unemployed and idle inhabitants of our earth—(and thereby preventing the world's further preparations for war)—a condition of the release of our program will be that each of the 200,000,000 people who receive it, will agree to permit The Universal Service Corporation to grant a lifetime pension of three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars per year, to each one of the eight million (8,000,000) men and women who are now being invited to a**ist us in the formation of this necessary audience. By communicating with the branch registration bureau noted on the last page hereof, you will obtain information as to how you may qualify for one of these honorary pensions. Your principal responsibility will consist of placing not less than twenty-five (25) copies of "Mankind United" in the hands of a similar number of people—who have not previously received a copy thereof—and obtaining a promise from each one of them, that he will also take the time to introduce our message to his friends and acquaintances, by placing one or more copies of said volume in circulation among them. In other words, eight million (8,000,000) men and women,—an average of one out of every twenty-five of those who will constitute our world-wide audience,—will be granted, as a reward for their a**istance, a lifetime pension of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) per year, to take effect within six months from the date of the formation of the Universal Service Corporation, and the acceptance of its charter by not less than eighty (80%) per cent of the men and women whom they invite to become our audience. Inasmuch as said charter will be based upon the practical application of "The Golden Rule" to the world's commercial activities, and inasmuch as its ideals of "economic equality" will correspond essentially with the general features described herein, there is but little doubt of its acceptance by the above mentioned majority, after they have spent an average of two hours per day—for thirty (30) days—investigating our many discoveries and irrefutable proofs. Unless mankind possess sufficient gratitude and appreciation for the efforts which will have thus been made, by at least 8,000,000 alert, clear-thinking people, to bring about the successful formation of the audience we require, and unless the members of said audience are willing to grant their consent to the lifetime pension rewards above described,—they would not deserve even the smallest part of the benefits which the successful establishment of the Universal Service Corporation will make available to them and their families, nor would they be given the privilege of receiving such benefits. Considering the fact that each one of the men and women who thus a**ist in the formation of said audience, will be obliged to not only donate the time for keeping not less than twenty-five (25) copies of "Mankind United" in circulation, but will also be expected to spend the necessary time to maintain and register an accurate record of the names, addresses, vocations, or professions of the various people who purchase copies as a result thereof; AND CONSIDERING THE ALL-IMPORTANT FACT, THAT WE COULD NOT POSSIBLY FORM AN AUDIENCE AS GIGANTIC AS THE ONE WE REQUIRE,—UNLESS MANY MILLION "INDEPENDENT"—"UNBIGOTED"—"RIGHT-THINKING"—"INDUSTRIOUS" MEN AND WOMEN OFFER US SUCH ASSISTANCE AS MAY BE NEEDED,—SURELY THOSE WHO ARE EITHER "UNWILLING" OR "UNABLE" TO RENDER SUCH ESSENTIAL HELP AT THIS TIME, WILL NOT HESITATE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE JUSTICE OF OUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT'S RULING IN THIS MATTER. Inasmuch as the allocation of honorary pensions is entirely dependent upon the formation of The Universal Service Corporation, we believe that these 8,000,000 pension awards, herein described, should constitute but a very small part of the expression of gratitude mankind will owe to those who thus make possible the consummation of our program and the establishment of this great Service Corporation; therefore, a method has been adopted which will provide an immediate income—at this time—for the men and women who a**ist The International Registration Bureau in accomplishing this result. Only those who place not less than four (4) of these books in circulation, through the Branch Registration Bureau noted on the last page of the copy first loaned to them,—will be eligible to form a branch of our International Registration Bureau, or be allowed to qualify for a position which will enable them to receive compensation for their services while helping us to form our world-wide audience. And only those who place not less than twenty-five (25) of said books in circulation, and supply The International Registration Bureau with an authentic record of the names, addresses, vocations or professions of the people who purchase additional copies as a result thereof, will be eligible for the lifetime pensions to which we have previously made reference.
The Branch Registration Bureau, noted on the last page of this volume, will supply you with further information pertaining to the above matters if you will follow the instructions contained thereon when you have finished reading the following chapters. Inasmuch as there are no other means of preventing the further overturning of existing democracies, or preventing another great world-wide civilization-destroying war—than by mankind immediately taking steps to end universal unemployment and poverty; and inasmuch as those who control the world's currency—(and thereby its governments, through their vast accumulations of gold and silver)—have only one object in view; namely, "the extermination of literally all educated and religious people,"—and since they have the money, and therefore the influence, with which to force the production of the necessary armaments and munitions of war for the accomplishment of this result,—unless the world's "sane" and "right-thinking" inhabitants simultaneously organize in every major nation, and "immediately" establish their own business facilities and "a new type of money" to free them from their age-old bondage to the "war lords" and "money changers" of the world, and unless they thereby completely destroy the value of the century-old accumulations of gold and silver belonging to these hidden world rulers, "it will soon be too late to even talk about doing so." WITH THE WORLDWIDE LOSS OF FREE SPEECH AND THE PRIVILEGES OF ASSEMBLY RAPIDLY BEING BROUGHT TO PASS BY THESE HIDDEN RULERS, THROUGH THEIR CAREFULLY PLANNED AVENUES OF WIDESPREAD UNEMPLOYMENT, COMMUNISM AND FASCISM,—THE EARTH'S INHABITANTS WILL SOON NO LONGER BE ALLOWED TO "EVEN VOICE" THEIR DESIRE FOR PEACE, FINANCIAL SECURITY OR FREEDOM. Our Research Department therefore feels justified in having adopted a plan for the promulgation of "Mankind United," which will compensate the men and women who co-operate with its International Registration Bureau in the formation of its requisite world-wide audience: a plan which will not only provide an "immediate income" for such co-workers, but will also supply an opportunity for earning the lifetime pension described herein. To those who may be inclined to think that we should establish a lower selling price for these books,—(and absorb the difference in a price substantially below $2.50, by paying less compensation to the men and women who help us to circulate them,)—we request the privilege of bringing to their attention the fact that not only must these co-workers give generously of their time in exchange for the income which they will receive, but they must also possess the requisite "moral fibre," "courage," and "perseverance," to withstand the attacks of bigotry and sarcasm, and the malicious criticism of unthinking people.—No amount of money can compensate them for these experiences. There will be many who will do no more than to glance hurriedly through the pages of "Mankind United," and thereafter feel qualified to pa** a "profound judgment" of condemnation, upon the merits of a program which even the world's most "brilliant" economists will be wholly unable to "accurately" judge, until after they have seen the moving pictures and numerous authenticated reports and proofs which will be given to the world during our Research Department's 30-day program. It will take real moral courage to circulate this book and to ignore the skepticism of the type of people who will first have to "actually hear" the deafening roar of hundreds of bomb-laden planes, and wake up in the dead of night with poisonous gases streaming into their rooms and—(like "white-hot coals")—eating out their lungs and tearing the flesh from their bones,—before they will believe that the world's governmental and financial structures are completely under the control of fabulously wealthy "moral idiots;"—or before they will believe that there are men who every second, of every hour, of every day and of every night, are forcing the production of vast quantities of such gases—and other "d**h dealing" elements—together with the necessary facilities for releasing them in the populated centers of the world;—men who have such world-wide influence, that they are actually paying for such things with the tax money collected from the very people whom they intend to slaughter!! It is likewise a fact, that until the War Lords' "radio-controlled equipment", now secretly under construction in many parts of the world—(and which was partly a**embled and delivered into the hands of their agents during October and November of 1937)—is installed and actually put into operation in the populated centers of the world and—(throughout an area of some hundreds of square miles surrounding the well hidden location of each one of them)—the eyes of millions of people are electrically vibrated from their sockets—AND UNTIL EVERY DROP OF WATER, AND EVERY POUND OF FOOD, IN EVERY THICKLY POPULATED CENTER OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD HAS BEEN POISONED BY ORDER OF THESE "MONEY CHANGERS" DURING THEIR WAR OF EXTERMINATION, WE ARE FULLY AWARE OF THE FACT THAT THERE WILL CONTINUE TO BE MILLIONS OF "OSTRICH-LIKE" HUMAN BEINGS WHO WILL SCOFF—AS THE BOYS BENEATH THE SOD IN THE FIELDS OF FRANCE ONCE SCOFFED—AT THE IDEA THAT THERE COULD EVER AGAIN BE A GREAT WORLD WAR DURING A CIVILIZATION "AS FAR ADVANCED" AS OURS. THE NEXT WAR WILL NOT BE FOUGHT ON BATTLEFIELDS IN SOME FOREIGN LAND. IT IS TO BE A WAR OF "EXTERMINATION"—NOT FOUGHT BY COURAGEOUS MEN ALONE BUT INSTEAD CONDUCTED BY COWARDS OF THE LOWEST TYPE—FROM "SAFE CONCEALMENTS"—AGAINST MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN OF THE EDUCATED CLASSES IN ALL POPULOUS CENTERS OF ALL CIVILIZED NATIONS. YES, THERE WILL BE MEN AND WOMEN WHO ARE NOT AWARE "OF THE TRUTH" OF THE STATEMENT—IN THE BOOK OF PROVERBS—WHICH WARNS US THAT "WHERE THERE IS NO VISION, THE PEOPLE PERISH,"—AND BECAUSE OF THE "BLINDNESS" OF SUCH PEOPLE, THEY WILL NOT REALIZE THAT THE FACULTY OF "THOUGHT" HAS BEEN GIVEN TO US NOT MERELY THAT WE MIGHT HAVE ENOUGH INTELLIGENCE WITH WHICH "TO GET THE FOOD—TO GET THE STRENGTH—TO GET MORE FOOD,"—BUT ALSO THAT WE MIGHT DEVELOP THE WISDOM NEEDED FOR OUR "SELF-PRESERVATION" AND "PROGRESS," THROUGH THE "USE"—AS WELL AS THE "DISCUSSION"—OF MIND'S LIMITLESS IDEAS OF VALUE. OUR RESEARCH DEPARTMENT THEREFORE FEELS THAT BECAUSE OF SUCH QUALITIES OF APATHY–AND THE NUMEROUS FALSE CONCEPTS OF SECURITY UNDER WHICH MANY OF THE EARTH'S INHABITANTS ARE LABORING–THAT IT IS FULLY JUSTIFIED IN CHARGING A PRICE FOR THIS BOOK WHICH WILL ENABLE IT, THROUGH THE AVENUE OF ITS INTERNATIONAL REGISTRATION BUREAU, TO GENEROUSLY COMPENSATE ALL MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE SUFFICIENT "INDEPENDENCE OF THOUGHT"—AND THE CONSEQUENT COURAGE—WITH WHICH TO HELP COMBAT NOT ONLY THESE ENEMIES TO MAN'S WELFARE AND PROGRESS BUT ALSO THE WELL HIDDEN FORCES WHICH HAVE, THROUGH THE AVENUES OF "MASS PSYCHOLOGY" AND CEASELESS "PROPAGANDA," PERPETUATED THEIR HOLD UPON THE HUMAN RACE. WE INVITE THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO READ "MANKIND UNITED," TO HELP US CIRCULATE IT AMONG THEIR MANY FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES, BY GENEROUSLY COMPLYING WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED ON THE LAST PAGE HEREOF. WE EXTEND THIS INVITATION TO ALL WHO BELIEVE THAT THE WORLD HAS ENOUGH EXECUTIVES, TRAINED WORKERS, MECHANICAL INVENTIONS, UNDEVELOPED LANDS, AND THE RESOURCES WITH WHICH TO PERMANENTLY OVERCOME BOTH POVERTY AND WAR;—AND ENOUGH EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES TO QUICKLY HEAL MANKIND'S ILLITERACY, TOGETHER WITH THEIR RESULTANT SOUL-DESTROYING SUPERSTITIONS. ALL MEN AND WOMEN WHO POSSESS "INDEPENDENCE OF THOUGHT" AND A CLEAR REALIZATION OF THE LIMITLESS POTENTIALITIES OF "UNSELFISHLY MOTIVATED UNITED WORLD-WIDE ACTION," BY THE EARTH'S INTELLIGENTLY INDUSTRIOUS INHABITANTS, ARE INCLUDED IN THIS INVITATION. ALTHOUGH—IF YOU SO DESIRE—BY COOPERATING WITH US, YOUR IMMEDIATE AS WELL AS YOUR FUTURE FINANCIAL REWARDS WILL BE GRATIFYINGLY SUBSTANTIAL, NEVERTHELESS, YOUR GREATEST AND MOST SATISFYING BLESSING WILL CONSIST OF THE GRATITUDE OF COUNTLESS GENERATIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS, WHO WILL NEVER CEASE TO BLESS YOUR COURAGEOUS GENEROSITY AND VISION. Only those who are sufficiently interested in the program of The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration, to purchase at least one copy of this book—either for further study or for purposes of circulation in accordance with the instructions contained on the last page hereof—(or who have otherwise qualified as a member of our world-wide audience of 200,000,000 people)—will be notified of the date of our Research Department's 30-day program, or be permitted to vote upon its recommendations—and the charter of The Universal Service Corporation—at the conclusion of said program. For only those who have not only read—but who have also "carefully studied" the contents of this "Explanatory" bulletin, or our other officially released publications, will have had their thoughts adequately prepared to receive the thirty days of proclamations and recommendations which will at that time be put into the hands of our audience. Prior to the date that the 30-day program is officially announced, none of our branch Registration Bureaus—or their respective secretaries—will be allowed to give out any additional information relative to the discoveries or the plans of our Research Department, nor are they authorized to make any statements other than those either contained herein, or printed and copyrighted by The International Registration Bureau. However, said Branch Registration Bureaus, and their respective secretaries, are supplied with copies of all such necessary printed data, as well as instructions to be given to those who desire to co-operate with us in the formation of our world-wide audience. In order to protect the time and efforts of the men and women—(whose names appear on the numerous copies of this book now being placed in circulation)—who have been appointed as the secretaries of our various branch Registration Bureaus, and to guard them against the demands of people who may be motivated primarily by "curiosity," said secretaries are specifically prohibited from giving out any information—other than that which this volume contains—(relative either to our general program or the subject of financial remuneration)—to anyone other than those who have first evidenced the sincerity of their interest in our purposes and plans, by having purchased at least one copy of "Mankind United" as a proof of their desire to help us promulgate our message.